Carl created a new topic ' Modified LX Camera' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi Everyone

Been a long time since I posted on here but my experience of INDI has been brilliant. My setup consists of an EQ-6 mount, 60-mm Telescope, canon camera all running on a RasberryPi. Its slick and I like it but I would like to make a digital view finder. (The end game is to add it to a C8).

So I dusted off a modified LX Toucam and installed Linux Mint on a Laptop as a test bed. Using the small piece of Python Code below I can set the pins on the serial adaptor to low and see the shutter opening, the images appear and then the pins to low and the shutter closes. So I know I am using the correct port, the serial device is working.

import time
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0')

However EKOS will not play ball. Instead I get the errors below. Sorry if the hardware is "antiquated" but thought it would be fun to get it going being in lock down and all