I had exactly the same problem after updating software. Your solution worked perfectly and I also learnt about the Custom Driver button :-) Thankyou.


Yep, that was it. Lunar instead of Sideral :)


Jarno, I think you may have identified the problem!!!
I recall setting track mode to Lunar a little while ago and forgot about it. I checked the EQMod page of the indi control panel but it showed Sideral as being set. However, when I switch Tracking on (via Ekos Mount module), a quick message is displayed at the bottom of Kstars main window saying it is in Lunar tracking mode! I then re-selected Sideral in the control panel and now message shows it is in Sideral mode. So, hopefully that's it. Just got to wait for a clear night to test. Many thanks for your help, it is much appreciated.


Hi, I have been running my EQ8 mount successfully, over the years, using the Ekos Guide module set up to use a separate guider camera. Just recently I have noticed that the drift plot is showing the guidance is off centre:

This is now causing my images to veer out of my 2 arcsec limit. I am guessing that the instructions sent to the EQ8 (set point) and the actual returned measured position do not agree, particularly in dRA axis. I have checked and adjusted polar alignment which seems okay. Is this an issue with the EQ8 hardware or is there something else I can do to locate/fix the actual problem?

Many thanks,


As a follow up and for anybody else looking at this thread in the future:
I am now running Kstars on the PC in observatory and connecting in through VNC with x11vnc, as recommended by nou. This has proved to be an excellent trouble free method for access to all my scopes functionality. I would definitely recommend it to anybody looking in to the alterative methods of remote control.


Thanks for your reply nou!

I had too many consoles open when testing network performance and was actually running the iperf client and sever on the same machine! So apologies for the incorrect information. The actual rate is 30-40Mbits/sec as you expected. I remotely copied a 33MByte fits file using scp, to remove all variables, and that still took 55s. So the 90s is not looking too bad now. As you indicate I will need to obtain a higher band width to work Kstars as a client into a remote INDI sever. Otherwise its remote desk topping or
run a copper cable.


I know there have been numerous discussions regarding access speed using a KStars/EKOS remote connection to an INDI server. But I have a simple issue here that I just cant explain.

In my remote observatory I have a Linux PC where I can sit and freeze running KStars/EKOS/INDI. So, remotely, on another Linux PC I can connect to the observatory (via WIFI) and work from the house. To do this I have been connecting to the observatory using SSH X11 (X windows) forwarding and running KStars as a remote desktop app. This can be fast and highly usable. However, sometimes the connection just gives up - probably due to the very high rate of traffic? So, I thought I would just try running the INDI server on the observatory PC and connect in using KStars set up to connect remotely. This works fine but the image download time is so slow i.e., 94 seconds for a 33MByte ASI1600MM image! I have checked the network speed between the PCs using iperf and it shows 40Gbits/sec. So why is it so slow to transfer?

Thanks and regards,


David Hardwick replied to the topic 'Fits save error' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thanks Jasem, once again we are indebted to you for your indefatigable input!


David Hardwick replied to the topic 'Fits save error' in the forum. 4 years ago

That makes sense. I also seem to be able to open older files saved, that reported the error, after a reboot. It's only when trying to open a file just saved causes the system crash (segmentation fault).


David Hardwick replied to the topic 'Fits save error' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi jabian,

Yes I noticed the file was being saved even though the error was being reported. However when I try to open the file, using KStars Open image, I get message: Error opening fits file. This then usually results in Kstars crashing out.


David Hardwick created a new topic ' Fits save error' in the forum. 4 years ago


I have just updated to the latest KStars/Ekos/INDI software. For some reason I am unable to save a FITS file. The error I get is:

Image save error: No world coordinate system found

I only get this error when I choose to save the image from the KStars FITS Viewer. Auto saving from Ekos CCD dialog sequence is okay.
My KStars configuration for FITS has limited resources checked (i.e. no Auto WCS). I have also tried to disable WCS in INDI Control Panel for the camera.




I am using ASI cameras that support a 12-bit ADC. When I use the default Ekos/INDI settings I notice that the INDI Control Panel shows that the 8-bit Raw Format is selected. This then results in my captured images being saved as only 8-bit FITS files i.e. stats show a maximum value of 255. Reading the docs, I picked up that 8 and 16 bit FITS are supported and to recover the extra 4 bits I will need to use the 16-bit format. When I then view the FITS stats, am I correct in saying that the 12-bit values are scaled up to fit a 16 bit values i.e. 0-4096 -> 0-65535? Also, when I exit and re-run the software the Format always defaults back to 8-bits. Is there a way to force the setting to stay at 16-bit?

Many thanks.


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    09. 05. 1957
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    Software engineer working in Data Science with a very keen interest in Astronomy.