Andy McGregor replied to the topic 'Exoplanet Catalog' in the forum. 2 years ago

I created the database above a while ago using an xml file from the OpenExoplanet git repository

As well as Tomas' link I think there are another a couple of possibilities with published API info.
So I've been taking part in the Exoclock project. They have a really nice scheduler to help you pick which transits would be available from your location and with your equipment and they are building a database of verified observations.
You can access that database programtically and there are even python code snippets for doing that here

NASA also have an exoplanet database and details of its API are here
That's probably a more complete database.


Andy McGregor created a new topic ' Exoplanet Catalog' in the forum. 2 years ago

I've started trying to observe exoplanet transits. I use the scheduler at the excellent site to pick targets but needed an exoplanet catalog in kstars.
I created a kstars database using information from I've attached my database here in case its of use to anyone else.


File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size: 301 KB


I've just started using a 2600MC with Stellarmate on my 4Gb Pi. I've taken about 100 subs now over three nights with no issues. 

In case it helps bottom out this issue for others - the cam is connected with USB3.0 cables to a Pegasus Powerbox Advanced. Subs have mostly been 300s, so quite a bit of time between saving each one. Guide cam is a ZWO120MM.
I'm running Stellarmate v1.5.6 stable and connecting to EKOS from my laptop over VNC. Images are saved locally on the Pi.
I view each sub in the FITS viewer but with Auto DeBayer and Auto WCS off.  Since this is the stable build, I don't have the new Adaptive Sampling option.

In the ASI2600 settings, I'm saving Raw 16bit files and I don't think I've changed the bandwidth but it's set to 80, with Auto Bandwidth off.



Thanks for your reply. It looks as though your second post explains the issue.
Just for info - bulb on the camera via the shutter button works as you'd expect and I tried in Ekos both with and with 'Force Bulb' mode selected.

I think with the Fuji remote app you can control bulb exposures, so it may be a libgphoto limitation.


Has anyone else managed to control a Fuji X-T3 via the gphoto_ccd driver?

If try to run long exposures the Ekos counts down correctly, but the image I get back from the Fuji always seems to be at the same exposure. This seems to be the same no matter if the Fuji is on Bulb and/or Force Bulb is selected in the gphoto_ccd driver options in Indi.
I've attached a log where I ran 1.5 and 5s expsoures for each combination. All the exposures look to be the same . A file gets transfered to Stellarmate each time, but there's no images recorded on the SD card in the Fuji.

Less improtantly for astro, if I run short exposures, then it looks as though they get wrongly sent to the Fuji. i.e. a 1 second exposure in Ekos shows on the back panel of the Fuji as a 1/100s exposure. 0.5s exposure is 1/200s etc.


File Attachment:

File Name: log_17-22-32.txt
File Size: 700 KB


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