DJBriez created a new topic ' Issues connecting via ethernet' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hello all...
I am new to the forum, but not new to astronomy, (photography and otherwise)
I have read a lot of threads in this forum , as well as viewed a lot of tutorials.
I am absolutely CONVINCED, that this is the first question that I'll have among many others. Here it goes...

I have a Stellarmate complete unit
I have a windows 7 laptop with Kstars loaded on it
the SM unit will reside outside at the mount
I have an ethernet cable running to my house from the mount and a powered USB hub
The above is how I plan to run everything....
Now, the issue...

I wanted to test all was working properly before i make everything permanent , so

I fire up my is connected to my home wifi (good, now I have Internet )
I connect all my peripherals to the SM (except the mount) Canon DSLR, Orion Starshoot, ZWO focuser
I connect an ethernet cable to the SM.....I power it up
I connect the other end to my laptop
First I open a browser, and enter, stellarmate.local....nope no connection
Then in the browser I try connection
Then I connect to the SM webmanager via my Ipad and view the IP address it was issued (169.254.XX.)
I go back to the browser open on the laptop and enter connection
If disconnect my home wifi on the laptop, and connect to SM's wifi address...then I CAN access the webmanger, (and launch Kstars and Ekos)
BUT now I dont have internet access, because I've disconnected my wireless....I want live internet at the same time.
What am I doing wrong?



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    28. 02. 1966
  • About me
    I am a lover of all things tech...astrophotography is one of them