I fixed it on my own, man I'm so happy :)
If anyone facing the same problem, here is the fix:

Go to the sourcecode of libindi, my path would be:


Open the gphoto_driver.cpp
Modify the following lines:

int gphoto_start_preview(gphoto_driver *gphoto)
// Olympus cameras support streaming but without viewfinder_widget
if (strcasestr(gphoto->manufacturer, "OLYMPUS"))
return GP_OK;

// If viewfinder not found, nothing to do
if (gphoto->viewfinder_widget == nullptr)
DEBUGDEVICE(device, INDI::Logger::DBG_WARNING, "View finder widget is not found. Cannot force camera mirror to go up!");

return gphoto_set_widget_num(gphoto, gphoto->viewfinder_widget, 1);

int gphoto_stop_preview(gphoto_driver *gphoto)
// Olympus cameras support streaming but without viewfinder_widget
if (strcasestr(gphoto->manufacturer, "OLYMPUS"))
return GP_OK;

// If viewfinder not found, nothing to do
if (gphoto->viewfinder_widget == nullptr)
DEBUGDEVICE(device, INDI::Logger::DBG_WARNING, "View finder widget is not found. Cannot force camera mirror to go down!");

return gphoto_set_widget_num(gphoto, gphoto->viewfinder_widget, 0);


int gphoto_start_preview(gphoto_driver *gphoto)
// Olympus cameras support streaming but without viewfinder_widget
if (strcasestr(gphoto->manufacturer, "Sony Corporation"))
return GP_OK;

// If viewfinder not found, nothing to do
if (gphoto->viewfinder_widget == nullptr)
DEBUGDEVICE(device, INDI::Logger::DBG_WARNING, "View finder widget is not found. Cannot force camera mirror to go up!");

return gphoto_set_widget_num(gphoto, gphoto->viewfinder_widget, 1);

int gphoto_stop_preview(gphoto_driver *gphoto)
// Olympus cameras support streaming but without viewfinder_widget
if (strcasestr(gphoto->manufacturer, "Sony Corporation"))
return GP_OK;

// If viewfinder not found, nothing to do
if (gphoto->viewfinder_widget == nullptr)
DEBUGDEVICE(device, INDI::Logger::DBG_WARNING, "View finder widget is not found. Cannot force camera mirror to go down!");

return gphoto_set_widget_num(gphoto, gphoto->viewfinder_widget, 0);

After that recompile the code:
cd /home/pi/indi-build/3rdparty-Drivers
sudo -H -u pi cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_FXLOAD=1 /home/pi/indi-3rdparty
sudo -H -u pi make -j $(expr $(nproc) + 2)
sudo make install

Reboot your PI and enjoy Lieview with the Sony Alpha.



I have a problem with my Sony Alpha 5100.

My setup:

Raspberry Pi 4B with indiserver 1.81 on debian.
Nikon D5300
Laptop to connect over wifi to the pi's AP.
Everything works fine with this setup, so I think I know what I do here ;).

Today I received a new Camera to play with.
It is the Sony Alpha 5100 in control usb mode.
Changed the driver from nikon to sony ccd -> the 5100 connects correctly.
I can capture photos this is not the problem.
But I can not go into liveview.
I get the following error:

Sony DSLR Alpha-A5100 (Control) :  "[INFO] Starting the video stream with target exposure 0.100000 s (Max theoritical FPS 10) "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Sony DSLR Alpha-A5100 (Control) :  "[WARNING] View finder widget is not found. Cannot force camera mirror to go up! "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Sony DSLR Alpha-A5100 (Control) :  "[ERROR] Failed to start streaming. "

I think EKOS thinks that the 5100 has a viewfinder but this camera does not has one.
I tried to find a setting in the INDI control widget like "disable viewfinder" but there is nothing.

The libgphoto2 library says the 5100 is compatible in control mode with liveview:
Sony Alpha-A5100 (Control) Image Capture, Trigger Capture, Liveview, Configuration

I found some variables on the gphoto code like "gphoto_set_view_finder" on:

Maybe the code needs to be customized for the 5100?
Or can I set "gphoto_set_view_finder" to false somewhere to get around that error?

Thanks in advance!



I have a problem with my Sony Alpha 5100.

My setup:

Raspberry Pi 4B with indiserver 1.81 on debian.
Nikon D5300
Laptop to connect over wifi to the pi's AP.
Everything works fine with this setup, so I think I know what I do here ;).

Today I received a new Camera to play with.
It is the Sony Alpha 5100 in control usb mode.
Changed the driver from nikon to sony ccd -> the 5100 connects correctly.
I can capture photos this is not the problem.
But I can not go into liveview.
I get the following error:

Sony DSLR Alpha-A5100 (Control) :  "[INFO] Starting the video stream with target exposure 0.100000 s (Max theoritical FPS 10) "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Sony DSLR Alpha-A5100 (Control) :  "[WARNING] View finder widget is not found. Cannot force camera mirror to go up! "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Sony DSLR Alpha-A5100 (Control) :  "[ERROR] Failed to start streaming. "

I think EKOS thinks that the 5100 has a viewfinder but this camera does not has one.
I tried to find a setting in the INDI control widget like "disable viewfinder" but there is nothing.

The libgphoto2 library says the 5100 is compatible in control mode with liveview:
Sony Alpha-A5100 (Control) Image Capture, Trigger Capture, Liveview, Configuration

I found some variables on the gphoto code like "gphoto_set_view_finder" on:

Maybe the code needs to be customized for the 5100?
Or can I set "gphoto_set_view_finder" to false somewhere to get around that error?

Thanks in advance!


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    15. 10. 1986
  • About me
    Hello my name is Daniel and I'm new to astrophotography.