My computer in my observatory recently did an update and when I went to use Kstars and Ekos it would lockup. I uninstalled and reinstalled everything and it fixed the lockup problem but wiped part of my stored settings out. I have reconfigured everything except for the elevation slew limits which defaulted to +89 degrees and -30 degrees. The settings shown in Indi control panel won't allow me to change them. I've searched through menus and googled my fingers off but can't find a manual or tutorial that has the method for changing them!

Anybody help me?

Wayne Hilliard


Wayne Hilliard replied to the topic 'Question on guide rate' in the forum. 4 years ago

Ok thanks.
I'm using the LX200 Onstep driver. Under motion control there is a guide rate for both RA and DEC but there is no entry box nor set button. Both boxes are set to 1 and can't be changed. Any suggestions? I'm asking because the mount I'm using is on old Celestron fork mount. I've added a dec drive and steppers instead of a synchronous  motor on the RA so no recommended guide rate for the mount. So I want to experiment a bit with rates.

Thanks again!!

Wayne H


Wayne Hilliard created a new topic ' Question on guide rate' in the forum. 4 years ago

I've searched the forum, googled the interwebs and gone line by line through Kstars/Ekos/indi control panel and I can't seem to find where the guide rate is set. I'm running Linux with the above named software as well as PHD2. If someone would take pity on me and tell me what I'm missing I would be forever grateful.... well I'd really appreciate it anyway!

Wayne Hilliard


Yes I have not sure what the problem is. Could be resource based maybe not enough memory. I'll keep experimenting.
Wayne Hilliard


I had almost a month of clouded in sky's in December so I didn't get the opportunity to run my telescope. When I did last night I discovered that the alignment sofware has changed and now instead of the Astrometry option I have the wonderful stellarsolver instead. This keeps locking up and refusing to solve.

Is there a way I can install the version of Kstars/Ekos that used the previous version alignment? Preferably the version just before you released stellarsolver.

I had my Astrometry settings to where I could plate solve in less then 15 seconds most time.

I can install the stock Ubuntu Kstars but its way older and the interface is more difficult to use.

Thank you,
Wayne Hilliard


I recently decided to try Astap instead of Astrometry for plate solving. I have the local copy of Astrometry working and it solves and slews perfectly. When I select Astap it does a plate solve( very fast plate solve!!!) but then I get a Astap popup window and it doesn't update the alignment information in Eko's but just hangs and wait. I cannot find an option anywhere that I haven't checked off that would cure this.
Normally I would just keep using Astrometry but really wanted to try out Astap to see if I would have a overall speed increase in my solution/slew time!

This is running on Ubuntu 18.04 with the latest bleeding edge version of Kstars/Eko's version 2020-08-28T23:44:53Z


Wayne Hilliard


Wayne Hilliard replied to the topic 'Indi and Zwo camera broken?' in the forum. 5 years ago

Quick update.
Still not sure of what happened but suspect it as a possible Indi driver issue. Again I'm running Ubuntu 18.04. I have been installing from ppa:mutlaqja/ppa. I know I had just recently had updates from Ubuntu and suspect they "upgraded" Kstars and Indie for me. I removed any trace of Kstars and Indi from my computer then did a fresh install from the repository IE kstars-bleeding and indi-full and gsc. It's now back to normal Onstep mount is working and both Zwo cameras! Needless to say I'll be checking out the proposed updates before pushing go from now on!

Thanks for the help!



Wayne Hilliard created a new topic ' Indi and Zwo camera broken?' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi all,
Went out tonight to use my observatory and for some reason unknown to me Indi recognizes my 2 ZWO cameras but won't connect to them. I run Kstars with Ekos on Ubuntu 18.04 and up to tonight everything was working flawlessly. The ASICAP program can see and access both my ASI178 and ASI120. PHD2 can see the ASI120 I use for guiding so USB is working and is connected to the computer. . I suspect an upgrade happened but can't really figure it out. I removed and installed the latest greatest version off of Indilib.org but the cameras stayed broken.

Any ideas?



Wayne Hilliard replied to the topic 'Guiding rate configuration' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thanks Chris, can't believe I missed that. The derivative setting is grayed out though, I assume I can enable it?
Thanks again


Wayne Hilliard created a new topic ' Guiding rate configuration' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hello everyone,
Running Ekos.
Indi control panel shows 2.22g for firmware number.
My declination axis seems to oscillate + and - around the zero on the drift scale. Max swing around 5 arcseconds.
I'm thinking that I should fine tune the pid parameters to see if I can stabilize it.

Is this correct and if so where can I change the parameters. I've looked at every tab and menu I can find and am at a loss of what to exactly do.
I might add that the mount is a 1980's vintage C8 fork mount. I've pulled the 110 volt motor out and replace the RA with a stepper motor and mounted a dec stepper to control the declination axis. Using Onstep for control. So I have no manufacture information on configuring the mount and recommended guide rate etc.

Thanks in advance,
Wayne Hilliard


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  • Birthdate
    22. 04. 1959
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    Amateur Astronomer