Hi, im trying to control a celestron CPC mount with an equatorial wedge. The driver detect that the mount is Alt/Az and there is no way to indicate its a CPC with eq wedge.

Trying to solve this, i hard coded the MountType vatiable as EQ_GEM in the drivers code (celestronaux.cpp, line 224). After the change, the interface show the controls for an EQ mount, but the movements of the telescope are erratic. I guess it has to be related with the encoders, but no idea how to debug.

I have some questions:
1- is there a way to indicate that the mount have an eq wedge without hard coding the driver?
2- Does someone managed to get this driver working with eq wedge

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


Felix replied to the topic 'Nighscape 8300 driver' in the forum. 5 years ago

We would like to lend you the cammera, but we are located in Uruguay and it's a bit expensive to send it, of course we will send you the debug output, can you guide us how to get it? We have already turned on the debug option in Ekos but when pressing connect it only displays "[DEBUG] open failed!".
Is there a way to debug from console?

Thank you very much.


Felix replied to the topic 'INDI driver for nightscape not 8300' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi, im faceing the same issue, did you manage to get this work?


Felix replied to the topic 'Nighscape 8300 driver' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi, i have read in the driver page that it can be used with the nightscape model #95555. This one is the camera that has the KAI-10100 sensor. Did someone manage to get this cammera working with the driver.

Tanks in advance


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    Equipo del observatorio robótico OREO