Thanks John. Later today, I'm going to try my older Astroberry system. It uses kstars 3.6.9 (I think that's right) and see if it behaves differently.


Hi John and thanks.

You'd think that would do it, right? I dunno what's going on with my setup.

I deleted the database which deleted my profiles which was fine.

I created a new profile called "Nikon D5100" and set my mount Onstep LX200, camera 1 as gphoto, camera 2 as Orion SSAG, GPS as GPSD. I clicked > and optical train editor popped up. There were my old trains "Main" and "Guide". But I had to go in and define my actual telescopes again - ES80ED and Orion 50mm. Fine. So far, so good.

As a test, I disconnected and stopped. Then I created a new profile called "Filter Wheel Test", and this time I added the filter wheel. Clicked > and Optical Train editor popped up. Within a few moments, kstars crashed. Okay, would seem to confirm something to do with the filter wheel has gone bad. Dunno what because the filter wheel had been working. Okay, I'll just delete it.

To do that, I restarted kstars, selected "Filter Wheel Test" and clicked "-". Poof! Filter Wheel Test profile was gone. Selected "Nikon D5100" and clicked >.

Kstars popped up an error message saying "Detected missing filter wheel XAGYL yadda yadda yadda. Moments later, kstars crashed.

I just don't understand that at all.


My Raspberry Pi running AstroArch is in a state now that it just crashes every time after I connect to equipment.


it seems there is a database, but where is it? And can I just delete it?


I've been using ReadVNC client on my laptop. I swapped the server to RealVNC on the Raspberry Pi.


Okay, it would appear the "problem" is vnc. I changed to realVNC like what's on the Astroberry and the performance issues appear to have gone away. Memory use is still high, but in earlier testing I found the 3D (fkms) driver in /boot/config.txt might be the reason. I disabled this driver and got the memory back at the expense of no VNC at all.

I've no idea if this is the least bit useful to anyone, but just in case. ;)

If I find anything else, I'll post an update. In the meantime, thanks for the input! Clear skies!


Thank you Mattia, and thank you for all the work you've put in to making AA!


Thanks Mattia! I'm not worried about AA, per se, more that I've missed something causing the apparent performance difference.

For example, I noticed the Astroberry is running only 167 tasks (1 running, 166 sleeping) while AA is running 182 tasks (1 running, 181 sleeping).

There's also a sizable difference in memory. Astroberry has 3381.3 GB memory available, while AA has only 2841. But Astroberry has 3174.8GB "free" while AA has only 2341.0 GB "free". I'm a bit confused on this.

Both are configured for 1920x1080 resolution.

Astroberry is set for 128MB GPU mem, while AA is set for 256.



I am trying to adopt AstroArch for RPi4. I basically created the image, booted, did updates, and am running. I feel I have something misconfigured because using VNC with AstroArch in one window and Astroberry in another, Astroberry is fast and smooth, while AstroArch lags (for example, dragging/resizing windows). Both are RPi4's w/4GB.

Running "top" on each: I note dragging the konsole window around in VNC causes CPU% to rise above 135%. Doing the same on the Astroberry causes CPU% to rise to 65%.



Paul Nixon replied to the topic 'GPS using UART mode?' in the forum. 5 months ago

Some progress.
My device comes up as ttyS0.

The /boot/config.txt lines (for me) are:

I then had to delete reference to console=serial0 from /boot/cmdline.txt

Lastly, I had to enable gps using systemctl enable gpsd.

Seems to be working now. :)

Thanks very much - getting uart gps up in AstroArch wasn't quite as scary as I feared. LOL.


Paul Nixon replied to the topic 'GPS using UART mode?' in the forum. 5 months ago

Excellent. With Astroberry, I'd run raspi-config to enable the UART port, but I didn't see that in AstroArch. I'll give it a go - thank you!


Thank you.

I read the original thread on why this started, and I've since been trying to understand how this feature might be helpful to me in some way. Not feeling it. I know I'm two years late to the party, and I am slow to change and that's my fault.


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    01. 09. 1964
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    Just starting with Stellarmate Pi4. Will fill in more later, after morning coffee.