snow jhon replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 5 years ago

Pardon me if this is a silly question - I am running Raspbian on Raspberry Pi4 and used your script to set everything up. I configured the Field Wifi to turn on after 3 minutes if the default 'home WiFi' is not found in range. Can you tell me if there is a simple way to VNC in via the Field Wifi access point (I can do this fine) and then switch the network on the Pi back to the 'home WiFi' (assuming it is in range), without having to reboot the Pi?


snow jhon replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes when taking flats' in the forum. 5 years ago

I wouldn't recommend running this program every time you are imaging, but if there is a reproducible crash and you want to send the details about what causes it, this would be nice.


snow jhon replied to the topic 'vappasswd' in the forum. 5 years ago

Do you have a 3B or 3B+? There are different hostapd.conf files for different RPi revisions, and vappasswd currently doesn't update them all correctly. I've submitted a pull request to address this issue; you can take those files and drop them into /usr/local/bin, and then vappasswd should work.


There is an issue with GPS dongle together with chrony/ntpd.


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  • Birthdate
    03. 06. 1994
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    the best