Got it - thx a lot for clarification.
How about KSTARS - Set Geographic Location (globe icon menu)
Its not populated with any data in my case. Even if INDI GPSD is active.
Is that correct ?


Hi Radek,

I followed above guidance but I'm not able to get any data from Ublox Neo6m on RPi4 with latest INDI on Astroberry.
In my case Neo6m gps is built in RPi shield available from keyestudio (KS0216) RPI GPS Shield ( )
RX-TX jumpers are set correctly,

/boot/config.txt updated with lines:

minicom /dev/ttyS0 doesn't return anything

What am I doing wrong ?

BR Chris


euklides69 replied to the topic 'Moonlite focuser protocol' in the forum. 5 years ago


Does nano clone with CH340C chip on board has any chance to work with Moonlite (non Ascom) stand alone software or Moonlite Ascom driver?


euklides69 replied to the topic 'Moonlite focuser protocol' in the forum. 5 years ago

Can you tell me please if Max or HansFocuser arduino code should work with Ascom platform ?
Did anybody experiment with it, If yes - what ascom focuser driver I should use for successful config ?

Btw :

So far I was able to successfully check connectivity between Arduino Nano, Uno boards and Moonlite (non Ascom) stand alone software.
I used Sunfounder/Sansmart Arduino clone boards with FTDI232R chip. Moonlite application works way more stable with newest FTDI dirivers (2.12.28). Just sharing my observations.


euklides69 replied to the topic 'Moonlite focuser protocol' in the forum. 5 years ago


I'm new to Arduino programming and Max Focuser project but I like it and planning to use for my telescope setup.
Tons of thx for all contributors of this great project !

Would you be able to tell me if it's possible to add to existing focuser code handling of a simple hand controller?
Just a small box , cable connected with 2 buttons UP and DOWN allowing user to set focus during observations where software control and temp compensation is not needed? Such enhancement would allow using smaller stepper motors models (like: MOONS PG22L71). The ones where shaft is locked (doesn't spin freely) when motor is not powered up. I don't know yet how realistic is this what I'm asking but I'm just thinking , that focuser code could modified to switch into manual control automatically when no data is received over USB/serial port.

Please share your thoughts. I would also appreciate any code examples.


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    21. 12. 1972
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    Hobby: Astronomy, Astrophotography, computers, electronics, Arduino controllers programming