Paulchen Panther replied to the topic 'Connect multiple SBIG CCDs' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thanks a lot!

It now works!


Paulchen Panther replied to the topic 'Connect multiple SBIG CCDs' in the forum. 5 years ago

I tried this, but unfortunately indi does not accept this. I still get:
Malformed assignment: USB
Purpose: set one or more writable INDI properties
(And the same with "\" before space.)


Paulchen Panther replied to the topic 'Connect multiple SBIG CCDs' in the forum. 5 years ago

Oh, okay.
That can probably be what I need. My problem now is that:
indi_setprop STXL-6303.DEVICE_PORT_TYPE.USB 2=On
does not work, since there is a whitespace between USB and 2. How do I set a property like this?

Thanks again!


Paulchen Panther replied to the topic 'Connect multiple SBIG CCDs' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thanks for your answer, but as far as I understood from the SBig info page ( , bottom) the indi_sbig_ccd driver supports only one camera per driver:
[cite: "The SBIG driver only support one-camera-per-driver, so if you have more than one SBIG camera, you need to start a dedicated instance to each camera."]
I still tried it, but as I expected, it did not work either.
It shows the same error, so i think, it looks at the same USB port. (In KStars USB1).

Any other suggestions?


Paulchen Panther created a new topic ' Connect multiple SBIG CCDs' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi together, I hope, someone can help me with my problem:
(I use: Linux Mint 19.1, Intel x86, PyIndi)

I have two SBig CCDs: a STXL-6303 and a STF-8300. One should be at a spectrograph and the other one is for guiding.
How do I set up the indiserver properly, so that I can speak to both? I tried to use:
mkfifo /tmp/indififo
indiserver -p 7624 -v -f /tmp/indififo &
echo start indi_sbig_ccd -n \"STF-8300\" > /tmp/indififo
echo start indi_sbig_ccd -n \"STXL-6303\" > /tmp/indififo
and then connect to the indiserver using python and pyindi:
spec_indiclient.setServer("localhost", 7624)
gd_indiclient.setServer("localhost", 7624)
dev_spec = spec_indiclient.getDevice("STF-8300")
dev_gd = gd_indiclient.getDevice("STXL-6303")
spec_connect = dev_spec.getSwitch("CONNECTION")
gd_connect = dev_gd.getSwitch("CONNECTION")

But this let me connect only to the first camera. Even when I first try connect to the STXL, the connection is made to the STF.
The output on the console is:

FIFO: start indi_sbig_ccd -n "STF-8300"
With name: STF-8300
FIFO: Starting driver indi_sbig_ccd
2019-09-02T11:25:20: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: pid=6702 rfd=4 wfd=7 efd=8
2019-09-02T11:25:20: Client 5: new arrival from - welcome!
2019-09-02T11:25:22: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: OpenDriver: CC_OPEN_DRIVER successfull
2019-09-02T11:25:22: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2019-09-02T11:25:22: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2019-09-02T11:25:22: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD
2019-09-02T11:25:22: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on Focuser Simulator.ABS_ROTATOR_ANGLE
2019-09-02T11:25:22: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2019-09-02T11:25:22: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME
2019-09-02T11:25:22: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on SQM.SKY_QUALITY
new device STF-8300


FIFO: start indi_sbig_ccd -n "STXL-6303"
With name: STXL-6303
FIFO: Starting driver indi_sbig_ccd
2019-09-02T11:25:24: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: pid=6707 rfd=6 wfd=11 efd=12
2019-09-02T11:25:24: Client 9: new arrival from - welcome!
new device STF-8300
2019-09-02T11:25:26: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: OpenDriver: CC_OPEN_DRIVER successfull
2019-09-02T11:25:26: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2019-09-02T11:25:26: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2019-09-02T11:25:26: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD
2019-09-02T11:25:26: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on Focuser Simulator.ABS_ROTATOR_ANGLE
2019-09-02T11:25:26: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2019-09-02T11:25:26: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME
2019-09-02T11:25:26: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: snooping on SQM.SKY_QUALITY
new device STXL-6303
new device STXL-6303

and the second time I don't get the connection switch.

With KStars and Ekos I can connect to both, if I select port USB1 for the STF and port USB2 for the STXL.

So, how can I tell the indiclient/server, that it shall connect to the USB2 device?

Thanks in advance


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