Ekos doesn't keep the address have set it each time ?


Hi Jasem,

Well I updated to 1.58 but still had to use Emanuel's trick to get it to work so now it does.



Thank you so much Emanuel ,

I will try that later today, as a side note it works perfectly on Astroberry with no changes except the address in EKOS.
Thats what I thought strange it wouldn't work in Stellarmate

I think most unconnected devices seem to also choose that address.

Will give you an update once I try it out,



I am trying to get my Vixen SXD2 mount with Starbook 10 working with Stellarmate, 
When I connect a ethernet cable from the RpI4 to the Starbook 10 it gives an address of (as it did on my Intel NUC under Ascom which worked pefectly)
But it will not connect and Ekos is showing so I change it to and still won't connect2021-04-09T22:25:37: [ERROR] Connection failed2021-04-09T22:25:37: [ERROR] Couldn't connect to server2021-04-09T22:25:37: [INFO] Creating HTTP handle for ideas much appreciated 


Now I have the Senso 2 focuser working I notice it goes back to the 0 calibrated position when I disconnect from EKOS and then returns to the actual position when I reconnect.

I thought being a stepper it would not need to move between being connected and disconnected. Under Ascom it does not ?

Is not the Indi driver reading the steppers position ?

Appreciate any help or information.



Cliff replied to the topic 'Sesto Senso 2 connect issue' in the forum. 4 years ago

Cliff wrote: I just found this information thanks for sharing , I am also having issues getting my Sesto Senso 2 working with either my Stellarmate or my Mac my mac is on the latest 10.15.5 though

The driver installed successfully but the focuser is still not connecting in kstars.

I have most of it working except the RPI3 with Stellarmate , I tried the following which someone posted here earlier,

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libindi1 indi-bin
ls -latr /usr/bin/indi_sestosenso2_focus
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 42504 Mar 7 16:00 /usr/bin/indi_sestosenso2_focus

Shows it is there but doesn't connect

I tried my Ascom IntelNUC worked first go so the Seno 2 was ok.

Tried my RPI4 Stellarmate and it already had the Senso 2 driver I thought the 3 and 4 had the same version ?

Could connect using ccdciel but not Kstars on my Mac, until I renamed the device from Sesto Senso to Sesto Senso 2 in the EKOS profile editor.

Now it works with Kstars . Now if Kstars only didn't crash while capturing images, I use Ccdciel instead for capture.

Now to figure out the RPI3 issue.

Hope this is of some help


Cliff replied to the topic 'Sesto Senso 2 connect issue' in the forum. 4 years ago

I just found this information thanks for sharing , I am also having issues getting my Sesto Senso 2 working with either my Stellarmate or my Mac my mac is on the latest 10.15.5 though

The driver installed successfully but the focuser is still not connecting in kstars.


Thanks Jasem,

Might have to try the Linux version for now




I have been having crashes while capturing images on MacOS with Kstars/Ekos have tried two different versions one 3.4.3 and other 3.41.

Running latest Stellarmate on the telescope and remoting on the Macbook Pro.

Seems only during image capture the instance running on the Mac crashes but the Stellarmate one keeps running but of course capture is halted.

I can plate solve without crashes ? Control the Mount etc.

Equipment used is a ZWO174MM camera and ZWO filter wheel, also a AZEQ6 but disabled the mount in Ekos while testing .

I love the abiity to operate remote on these cold winter nights.

Appreciate any feedback or suggestions
Cliff in Sydney Australia



Also using Stellarmate on a RPI4 , have it mounted on top of the telescope with a USB power unit so totally portable . I am using the Flirc case I had to turn it upside down and all my WiFi issues were solved. The RPI4 is a lot faster than the RPI3B I was using.

How did you fit the RTC I used it with some wires and just wrapped it in some tape . Not much room in the Flirc case.

I am using Kstars on a Macbook Pro with MacOS Catalina and works well mostly but does crash when capturing images/video as you have had the same issue. I did report that problem here also. I tried versions 3.4.3 and also an older 3.4.1 still crashes at times when capturing images.

To get around that I run ccdciel for imaging still using Kstars/Ekos for Platesolving and mount control.

I am using ZWO camera, filter wheel and a AZEQ6 mount.



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