Florian Vamosi replied to the topic 'Mouse Pointer and Wayland ...' in the forum. 1 year ago

It still appears to be an issue in 3.6.5 on Ubuntu. Wayland has been default in Ubuntu for three years. There should be a fix or workaround by now without switching back to X11.


Florian Vamosi created a new topic ' Problems with Eqmod mount' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi Jasem,

I've had a couple of issues lately, not sure of which may be eqmod issues and which could be Kstars, Ekos etc. The first one is, I've set the parking position to a low position in the direction of North, then powered down the system normally. Then the next day, starting up Ekos and connecting up the equipment, somehow the parking positon moved to the Southwest. I have tried setting it again to the North. Closing and reopening Kstars the parking positon set itself to the Southwest once again. Today I tried purging all settings and the parking position. This seemed to have worked, closing and reopening Kstars, the parking position stayed in place. What happened is, the scope imaged just fine until the meridian flip, but couldn't complete the flip, because it moved to the completely wrong direction. Afterwards I tried some things and the eqmod driver crashed, but Kstars also crashed. All of this came about after updating to 3.5.4 from 3.4.x version.

I attached some logs  

File Attachment:

File Name: Logs.zip
File Size: 123 KB
, I would be bery happy If you could find some explanation.

Thanks a lot,



Hetes Astronomical Observatory

SW Quattro 10CF Customized 10" f/4 Astrograph + GPU f/4 corrector with ZWO ASI 183MM PRO, ZWO 8x1,25 EFW,
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Thanks! So then it's probably a system related issue? Like a system process stopping Kstars? Surely there wasn't anybody around to press close.


Sorry for the late reply Jasem,

I have been trying for the last week to get a backtrace. Unfortunately I haven't managed to, or I don't think so. I don't get anything when typing bt. You can see in the screenshot attached below. The log doesn't have any useful information either, no specific reason or sign of a crash. I am clueless as to what this might be, but I want to solve the issue, because my setup is so unreliable this way, that I'm practically afraid to run it and crack my sensor from thermal shock.

File Attachment:

File Name: log_21-30-27.txt
File Size: 1,108 KB



OK thanks!

Will do it and run it tonight to see what comes up. I've muted audio and enabled limited resources mode in FITS viewer in the mean time, and now I can't reproduce it with simulators anymore. I am, also planning to install Zram if this doesn't work, to see if it makes a difference as I suspect this may be an out of memory error.


Hi Jasem,

I came across an issue with EKOS the other day. It crashes a lot, very randomly. I narrowed it down to exposure downloads. The log is spammed with "[ org.kde.kstars.fits] - Reading FITS file buffer" until it finally crashes.
I was able to reproduce it in the latest nightly yesterday with the simulator. I need to resolve the issue, because I'm worried that the sensor in my camera will crack from thermal shock every time this happens.

I hope, I am screwing something up and you can help. Logs attached!

All the best and thanks in advance,

File Attachment:

File Name: log_22-48-38.txt
File Size: 368 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: log_23-14-11.txt
File Size: 419 KB


I also think it would be a great addition. It would be interesting to play with a camera that has essentially the same sensor as the ASI 290MC, but for essentially half the price. I think It may not be hard to add support in the future, as the camera is already supported on linux by the AstroDMx software package.


Florian Vamosi replied to the topic 'ASI183MM PRO Offset' in the forum. 5 years ago

I have now successfully installed version 1.6 of the ASI driver. I can also confirm the offset entry is in the header. Thank you Jasem! This will save a lot of headache for a lot of us ASI users.

All the best,


Hetes Astronomical Observatory (under construction)

Sky-Watcher Quattro 10CF 10" f/4 or Sky-Watcher 150P 6" f/5 with ZWO ASI 183MM PRO, ZWO 8x1,25...
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Florian Vamosi replied to the topic 'ASI183MM PRO Offset' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi Dirk,

That's awesome! I have not managed to recompile Indi3rdParty yet. It fails on dependencies of the Atik Driver. Havent'had time to investigate yet, but I'll try again today.

All the best,


Florian Vamosi replied to the topic 'ASI183MM PRO Offset' in the forum. 5 years ago

Yup, I now see, Thanks! I am not on ASI Driver 1.6 yet. I can't imagine why, since I built everything from source again. Will try Again.


Florian Vamosi replied to the topic 'ASI183MM PRO Offset' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thanks Jasem!

I have built from source from Git. I don't seem to get the entry in the FITS header, but I don't know a way to verify If I actually have the right version. KStars itself reports version 3.4.0. in the logs(quoted below). Do you think I have the right version?

[2020-01-26T15:43:07.505 UTC INFO ][ org.kde.kstars] - Welcome to KStars 3.4.0
[2020-01-26T15:43:07.505 UTC INFO ][ org.kde.kstars] - Build: 2020-01-26T04:33:19Z
[2020-01-26T15:43:07.506 UTC INFO ][ org.kde.kstars] - OS: "ubuntu"
[2020-01-26T15:43:07.507 UTC INFO ][ org.kde.kstars] - API: "arm64-little_endian-lp64"
[2020-01-26T15:43:07.508 UTC INFO ][ org.kde.kstars] - Arch: "arm64"
[2020-01-26T15:43:07.508 UTC INFO ][ org.kde.kstars] - Kernel Type: "linux"
[2020-01-26T15:43:07.508 UTC INFO ][ org.kde.kstars] - Kernel Version: "4.19.89-v8-26"
[2020-01-26T15:43:07.508 UTC INFO ][ org.kde.kstars] - Qt Version: 5.9.5
[2020-01-26T15:43:07.701 UTC DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars] - Opened the User DB. Ready.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    06. 10. 2000
  • About me
    Astrophotographer, CEO of Ultimate Waterprobe, Secretary of the Hungarian Astrophotographers' Association

    My interest in science and astronomy started at the very young age of 6, when I got my first telescope and astronomy books. My interest in astronomy hasn't decreased ever since. I was an undergraduate physics student for a year, but co-founded a startup and decided to study marketing to help with managing the company but I am still definitely going to learn astronomy sometime in the near future.

    Awards and Achievements:

    2016, Lomography "Waiting Game" Long Exposure Photography Competition Runner-up (StarTrails over Drenje,Croatia)
    2016, "For The Talented Youth" Scholarship fellow
    2017, Astrophoto Exhibition at the Mihaly Tancsics Grammar School of Kaposvar
    2017, "For The Talented Youth" Scholarship fellow
    2017, MOL Talent Support Program Scholarship fellow
    2019, 28th National Youth Competition for Science and Innovation 1st prize("Automation and Remote Control of Astronomical Telescopes for a Global Asteroid Survey")
    2019, Hungarian Participant of the SIYSS