Dave Wilkes replied to the topic 'Eqmod driver crashing' in the forum. 3 years ago

oops sorry forgot


Dave Wilkes replied to the topic 'Eqmod driver crashing' in the forum. 3 years ago

ignor me!
i purged the config of the eqmod mount settings and its all fixed
must had been corrupt somehow!


Dave Wilkes created a new topic ' Eqmod driver crashing' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi Guys 
all has been well with my astroberry until tonight as soon as I start the mount driver it crashes out
i have attached a log !

any help gratefully received

Dave W


Ok I appear to now have this working (to a fashion)
i have not done any recompiling but if you uncheck the auto start feature and then add the line /dev/ttyUSB0 to the setup and then connect to the camera the remote shutter will work.
i will do some more testing on this to see if anything else gets compromised.


Dave Wilkes created a new topic ' KMtronic support' in the forum. 4 years ago

looking back in the release notes of previous versions it mentions that last year in libindi vers 1.7.9 there was a note regarding Experimental support for KMTronic USB Relay Serial for Nikon cameras
does anyone know if anything came of this and if so how to enable it ?


are there any settings that i need to change to get this to work?
i can fire the relay via cmd prompt so it works in raspbian but when i start the ekos server it takes control of the camera and i get no response just the normal 30 second max time shutter the relay doesnt fire.
i have the \dev\ttyUSB0 set in the camera settings but cannot see anything else?
i am also on astroberry


i would like to know more about this for my 7000
can you give me a link to the git page please?


did this go anywhere as i have the same kit and same issue!


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    idiot trying hard to understand