I try to click on clock icon but Kstar crash ad it close.


I understand that everyone doesn't rotate images on meridian crossing. This means that they process images rotated 180 degrees, which I know is not a problem because the software resolves the images before stacking them. obvious. Even for dark frames it is not a problem because they are used first to calibration process. I will also try to do this way. Thanks for the replies.


Stacking programs DO NOT automatically handle files that have been flipped 180 degrees or mirrored. If you calibrate light frames (blue) with inverted darks (red) you get a big mess. The ideal solution is never to rotate the files, but prefer the physical rotation of the ccd camera. The question I ask is addressed to the Ekos developers: how to automatically manage the h and v flip? in the indi driver it is possible, but in the work sequence in Ekos it is obviously not possible. currently. Also the tag "ROWORDER" in the FIT header is always written "TOP-DOWN" even when the file is flipped 180 degrees!!. And also if the stacking software uses this data (and it doesn't), it is still wrong data.


Why??? Absoluty NOT!!! WB MUST be the same as Light frames. If ZWO raccomand 95 for blue, and you have all light taken with this value. dont changa bias and dark!!!!!!


Why??? Absoluty NOT!!! WB MUST be the same as Light frames. If ZWO raccomand 95 for blue, and you have all light taken with this value. dont changa bias and dark!!!!!!


Duccio replied to the topic 'VNC connection to Stellarmate' in the forum. 2 years ago

Why you want to work on a little PI with a slow VNC connection, masochism? leave it alone to do as an INDI server. Then use PC or MAC what you want to run Ekos in remote or Stellarium (or ugly SM android APP). If tou want use NINA with PI server it possible to install a linux USB on LAN (VirtualHere) server inside the PI too, and run NINA on client PC with (VirtualHere client).


I bought stellarmate because the product is well presented. But upon using it I realized that the app is f......g and literally unusable.:angry: :angry: Now I continue to use stellarmate as an INDI server on the PI4 raspberry on the terrace in the cold, connected with an ethernet cable (wifi has too many problems). I could use any INDI server like astroberry for example, but by now I've paid the $50 and I use stellarmate. I use capture and guide software and planetariums like Kstar Stellarium and PHD2 only on win10pro PCs at home connected to the network. I don't use VNC, I just open VNC viewer to close kstar inside stellarmate PI, then that's it. I believe that the Stellarmate project is too young and ambitious, and is presented beyond its actual capabilities. If you want something like this on a small tablet or smartphone the only solution, I think, is ASIair.


Forgot Stellarmate APP.... this boy had a lot of strret to do before call his code "APP". But I was happy to give him 50$ to encourage to develope this app. For now I use stellarmate only as server, (astroberry is the same). if you want something similar on a little tablet or smartphone the only solution is ZWO asiair.


Yes ROWORDER is present now, but is alwais TOP-DOWN!!! both for image right and for image flipped.


Unfortunately I don't have a normal mount, but a German one. So I'm forced to lose precious hours when the object to be photographed is in the best position, on the meridian. I have neighbors and I can't make too much noise, so I have to reverse the side by hand, with huge problems in sync and solvin plate. But that's another discussion. The problem is that I also have to remember to enter in to the indi drivers of the two ccd cameras (120mm and 533mc) and manually invert Hflip and Vflip (I certainly don't start rotating them 180 degrees every time). And I have to remember which light and dark are flipped, because it is not recorded in the header of the FIT file (or at least I think). Is it possible to automate all these operations? you know that if you debayerise a flipped image the red and blue channel are inverted (for normal, RGGB or auto, for flipped BGGR), so this process is very important. And how about to have flip information inside the file?


I came across this post, and I see that after a year, with the relise 3.6.1 oct 2022 the bug exposed in this post has not been solved.

I report the problems with the operation of automation for flat fields.

I state that the indi driver works well with the device, which in this case is the same as David Swinnard: an arduino with Flat Man or Flip Flat firmware.

1) the panel is not turned on before the capture of the flat frame and is not turned off after. This must be done manually via indi panel in the flat man driver.

2) the dust cover is neither lowered nor raised automatically, this must also be done through the driver then manually.

3) once the panel is switched on with zero brightness, the brightness of the first selected filter is not activated. The second filter selected activates the brightness set in the driver presets. After that the filter that did not take the brightness data also starts working.
So, the first flat must be taken only to unlock the bug, a second flat must be taken with another filter, then it works until a new ekos session is restarted.

4) in the windows version, if you set the coordinates for the position of the telescope towards the wall where the flat panel is positioned, the telescope does not move. in the linux version it works.

4) the values ​​set to zero in the presets are not read.

5) it is not a bug but a very important function. should be implemented in the automatic calculation with ADU in the flat and dark exposure settings window, the possibility of adjusting the light intensity of the panel with the shutter speed priority set manually or for a given flat.


Duccio replied to the topic 'Polar allignment bug in refresh' in the forum. 3 years ago

ASI 120 work well with all other feature of Ekos. I have shot a sequence of 100 images of 1 second with image tab. It has worked good. I try to send log file when I try again this night. Thanks.


Duccio created a new topic ' Polar allignment bug in refresh' in the forum. 3 years ago

At the and of procedure of polar align, I press next, and after chosen a star I started the refresh, but after 2 or 3 image it stalls.
I seen on this forum that is a old bug never solved...(an old pre-covidism era discussion without solution) .. but why there is not the possibility to restart the refresh? The button remain grey. I need to restart entire procedure, slow the mount at the start point and repeat the polar align procedure again, but every time after few images, it stop to refresh.

ASI 120 mm --> usb on Rasp Stellarmate server
OnStep (astromeccanica on Losmandy mount) --> usb on rasp Stellarmate server

Stellarmate --> gigabit cable ethernet on PC HP Z400 win7 with Ekos 3.5.3 running as client

2021-06-10T00:29:26 Refresh is complete.2021-06-10T00:29:26 Capture timed out.2021-06-10T00:29:16 Cannot capture while CCD exposure is in progress. Retrying in 10 seconds...2021-06-10T00:29:16 Image received.


Duccio replied to the topic 'Port is already used error' in the forum. 3 years ago

Who is James? and we can find solution?


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