Rick Bassham replied to the topic 'indi web page client' in the forum. 1 year ago

Hey Elwood, first, thanks for such a wonderful contribution to the community. INDI really is a great system.

Ferrante reminded me that I started down this path a while ago, but I ended up not finishing out any docs or really pushing it through. I've got a collection of repos that were mainly proof of concept things to see if I could get INDI and KStars on the web so to speak.

The first is: github.com/rickbassham/node-indi-client. This node.js client is a simple translation between the XML of INDI and JSON via a websocket. It is a separate stand-alone thing that will connect to an existing INDI server and communicate using the existing INDI protocol, not using a websocket, but it will expose a websocket and do the translation from XML to JSON.

Next is: github.com/rickbassham/indi-web. This is a Vue.js based web app using the client above. It is basically an INDI control panel running in the web, and also serves as an example for writing a client.

Then there is github.com/rickbassham/indi-mqtt-bridge. This is an example of using that client to create a bridge between INDI and MQTT. For a while I was using this in conjunction with influxdb and grafana to log and visualize things like telescope position over time, focuser position, etc.

Getting into KStars and Ekos specific things:

github.com/rickbassham/ekos-mqtt-bridge is a bridge between Ekos and MQTT. In this case, it relies on the Ekos Live functionality, but instead of a hosted solution it runs locally.

Finally there is github.com/rickbassham/ekos-web. This is similar to the above, but exposes a web interface for Ekos instead of just using MQTT.

I'll see if I can get some documentation together on these if there is interest in continuing development on them.
