Changing the html worked UNTIL I discovered the VNC server gui on the Pi. Without even making any changes it looks like the noVNC /desktop html got overwritten.

So, now it seems like I need to make two VNC users. Operator (or something) , who will have full control, and guest (or something) that is view only.

Not sure if that will then prompt for username, in addition to password, but will test.

It'd be nice if someone that has more knowledge on this would chime in ;0) however.


Thinking about this some more, maybe all I need to make the noVNC setup view only. The telescope operator can use a full VNC client, vs. NoVNC.

I can hack the html to make the view only box checked by default, but if there is a more standard way to config noVNC on astroberry please let me know.



A single instance with separate credentials for view only and shared would also be acceptable.



I would like to have a noVNC instance/port that is view only (and can't be changed by web clients) for star party attendees and a separate instance/port that is for the astroberry operator. 

Is that doable?



Glenn Newell replied to the topic 'Astroberry and iOS NoVNC issues' in the forum. 3 years ago

OK for that that come after;

1) There is a buggy behavior with certain ASUS routers where WiFi clients connected at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz can't reliably communicate with each other (although internet connectivity for both is fine). The solution is to turn off "Airtime Fairness" (I did it on both bands):

2) On the iOS devices, it is important to use http vs. https, in order for noVNC to work. Either will get you the start page, but at least for me, only http will work to connect VNC.

3) If you are having trouble getting your Pi to connect via 5GHz (and you are close enough to the router for 5GHz) make sure you have your network localisation set properly. Your Pi needs to know what country you're in so as to know what the correct frequency bands are to 5GHz WiFi.




Glenn Newell created a new topic ' Astroberry and iOS NoVNC issues' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'm on my 3rd day with astroberry on a Pi 4 8GB. I installed the latest image (vs. the more manual install). I'm seeing some oddness that I hope someone can shed some light on.

For instance, iOS connectivity (iPhone and iPad) to the astroberry seems very iffy and has stopped altogether as far as noVNC in Safari. I get the start screen but on the connect screen, when I press connect it fails with the red banner. It is possible that the one time it worked was before I disabled ipv6 on the Pi (although ipv6 has always been disabled on the router).

VNC client app works fine on ios.

Chrome in Windows works fine (except I can't figure out how to copy and paste) and VNC clients on windows also work fine.

I have not made a self signed certificate.

FYI in working with webserver/clients in my home network before I've seen odd behavior until I disable ipv6. ipv6 is disabled on the ASUS router and on servers and clients, including the Pi, except you can't do that on iOS (apparently cellular networks are mostly ipv6 these days?). Turning off cellar data on the ios devices doesn't help and perhaps the whole ipv6 thing is a separate issue from the NoVNC on ios safari anyway but I thought I'd mention it, as it also acts like intermittent connectivity (until you defeat ipv6).



Is there another approach to running on Windows? The setup wizard points you at Indi server.


Focuser works via ASCOM in a Windows ASCOM program, but when I try in Ekos it won't connect.

Log message from INDI Server for Windows:

2019-08-09 19:16:37.26 HANDLER#6 > <newSwitchVector
device='ASCOM MoonliteDRO Focuser'
2019-08-09 19:16:37.27 HANDLER#6 < <setSwitchVector device="ASCOM MoonliteDRO Focuser" name="CONNECTION" state="Alert" timeout="0" timestamp="2019-08-09T19:16:37.2" message="Entry point was not found.">
2019-08-09 19:16:37.27 HANDLER#6 < <oneSwitch name="CONNECT">Off</oneSwitch>
2019-08-09 19:16:37.27 HANDLER#6 < <oneSwitch name="DISCONNECT">On</oneSwitch>
2019-08-09 19:16:37.27 HANDLER#6 < </setSwitchVector>
2019-08-09 19:16:37.27 HANDLER#6 = Failed to set CONNECTION property

System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Entry point was not found.
at ASCOM.DeviceInterface.IFocuserV2.get_Connected()
at INDI.FocuserWrapper.createInstance(String driverID)
at INDI.DeviceWrapper.connectionHandler(Operation operation, State state, String message, Dictionary`2 values)
at INDI.DeviceWrapper.newXXXVector(String name, Dictionary`2 values)

Any ideas?


Two ZWO cameras, ASI1600MM cooled for imaging and ASI174MM Cooled for guiding, so in the indi Windows server I picked ASI Camera 1 and ASI Camera 2, but in Ekos the only choice was ZWO camera, so I picked that for both image and guiding. When I start Ekos I end of with two ASI 2 cameras connected, both to the ASI1600.

How does one handle having multiple ZWO cameras in this setup?



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