
I have a Canon EOS80D and use Stellarste.
When I connect, I'm able to change all settings of the EOS 80D.
For my understanding, when I push the button "save" the settings are saved in Ekos.
The Button "load" load and applied all settings

This is also what the log is writing, but when I change aperture in tab "capture settings", click save ... disconnect, change the aperture on the cam, reconnect and load ... nothing happens.
The aperture is still same


fohnbit replied to the topic 'Canon EOS80D' in the forum. 5 years ago


after upgrading the gphoto2 and libphoto2, it is working now fine!


fohnbit replied to the topic 'Canon EOS80D' in the forum. 5 years ago


when I connect, after some seconds the display of the cam show ERR 70.
But Ekos still loading data from the camera. But a live view is not possible,

I attached a log file

Thank you!

File Attachment:

File Name: IXKT43B.LOG
File Size: 30 KB


fohnbit replied to the topic 'Canon EOS80D' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hello again,

ich was now able to update the raspberry to the latest version with "apt-get".
Now he connect to the camera, but has the following problems:
1. Sometimes I get Err 70 in den display of the canon
2. Sometimes I get the Kstar Errto "INDI-Driver indi_canon_ccd is chrashed"
3. Sometimes no connect

Is there any settings I has to do?

Thank you!


fohnbit created a new topic ' Canon EOS80D' in the forum. 5 years ago


I´m absolute new in Kstars and Ekos. I installed the astroberry image on my Rasperry.

Now I have the following problem:
I connect my Canon EOS80D on the USB port. When I did this on my windows PC, the display show an computer, this happen not when I connect the cam to the Raspberry.

In Ekos I added unter "CCD": Canon DSLR
Then I Save and click "INDI start"
I get the error:
"No cameras detected. Check power and make sure camera is not mounted by another programs and try again"

I guess the raspberry don´t mount in anyway the camera. Is the Canon EOS80D not supported?

Thank you!


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