Arnold de Bruin replied to the topic 'ASI 1 second limit' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi Michael,

I did use the terminal. Had to google all the commands - like how to make a symbolic link (ln -s) - but in the end it was not difficult.
First I copied the libASICamers2.1.15.0617 from SM 1.54 on a usb stick.
Then started with SM 1.60
In terminal I typed: sudo -i
That made copying all the files possible.
I renamed the file and the symbolic links by placing "bck_" in front of the file names with the mv command so I wouldn't loose them.
Then I copied the old from the usb stick. Can also be done with the mv command.
Then made 2 new symbolic links. You have to google exactly how to do this with the ln -s command but its easy ;-)
Then all worked perfectly!

Mind you, I am in NO way a linux expert. On the contrary ;-)
So there will be better ways no doubt......

Hope this helps, cheers,