Kevin J Ware replied to the topic 'Buying a secondhand stellarmate' in the forum. 5 years ago

Unless you are getting it for less that $50, I highly recommend buying the OS and flashing your own Pi3 or 4. You will be supporting INDI won't have to deal with a Pi3b+ that's been exposed to who-knows-what, and you will teach yourself how to flash images on the Pi, which is very helpful.


Kevin J Ware created a new topic ' RAMDisk with the Pi4 4GB' in the forum. 5 years ago

I utilize less than a quarter of my RAM during imaging with my Rpi4 using SM-OS and was thinking I could use that unused RAM for a RAM Disk to give me more speed for some applications. I know it is a 'temporary drive' but I wanted to brainstorm ways to utilize that extra RAM. A 2GB RAM disk that held all temporary frames would be nice to start, so platesolving, image preview, focusing frames, would happen on the RAM drive and be exponentially faster than using the SD card. I could also use the RAM drive for lucky imaging with smaller sensors, although it would certainly fill up quickly. I suppose I could script the RAM drive to tail and copy to a slower flash drive or external SSD drive. A smart enough script could allow full-frame lucky imaging on a humble Pi4 that would take the exposure, save it to the RAM disk, and then copy the FITS/RAW to an external flash/SSD/NAS in the background.

This is really just a question of tinkering and not a feature request. Ideas?


Gotcha. I thought you were using the SM app


Why use a dongle for GPS when your phone or tablet can sync its location and time?


Unfortunately still no external WiFi support for the RTL88xxau chipset :-/


Ah good ol' layer 8 issues...


You need to connect via ethernet, or locally on the Pi with a monitor to the web gui to change wireless infrastructure settings


Whether or not the build you are using utilizes the 5ghz band, the biggest issue with the Pi4 is that the I ternal intennas are small, have low power, and don't operate in MIMO. If the Pi is in a case it only gets worse.


whoah that is a huge change! Hellloooooo KDE.

Any plans for 64bit support to take advantage of the Pi4 processor and 4 gigs of RAM? That would be snappy.


Does the buck converter have multiple ports? Although the total output might be 5a, it is possible that each port is rated for 2.1-2.4a.


I am not sure if it was meant to be implemented in this 1.4.4 update, but I still can't connect to my Alfa 802.11ac adapter using its RTL8814 driver.

Was this driver added to the new beta Kernel, or can we expect it in a future update? It is a notoriously picky driver ,with dozens of forks,;but Jasem mentioned the Realtek driver set was going to be added in this update.

Thank you!


If the Pi4 detects low voltage then it generates messages. Check the log for USB errors (use e.g. dmesg). It could also be that your USB C cable you use while operating at 2.1a is too thin. You can also crank down the Tx power of your internal antenna to save a watt or two.

I use a 12v to 5v 4amp buck converter too. I tried running at 2.4 but even that 'high' it was still sensitive to 100-200mah voltage change.


knro wrote: I believe tomorrow (or maximum by Monday) is when the new image is ready. Why do you need to reflash? The image works fine currently as far as I know.

Yes it works just fine, I was referring to you comment above saying the next RPi beta update requires a reflash...

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    08. 12. 1989
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    Just a network engineer looking for open switchports in the sky.