Dean replied to the topic 'Scope Swap now Plate Solving Issues' in the forum. 2 years ago

Im having similar issues after swapping out my 71mm/f4 refractor (WO GT71) rig to a 152mm/f10 SCT (Meade 6" LX65 OTA ACF).
Both rigs use OAG with primary cam ASI533MC (OSC). Both rigs autofocus well.
I ensured all index files needed and recommended are available. Tried each of the 4 options profiles but did not alter
any for the scale & position or align options profiles editor settings. Plate solve success is hit and miss. M3 or M13, no problem
but bright stars such as Mizar will not solve accurately or not at all even after prior successful solves for different targets as part
of building a mount model.


Dean created a new topic ' SM OS high CPU%' in the forum. 2 years ago

Im running SM OS on RPi 4B+ and updated it recently:
stellarmate@stellarmate:~ $ uname -a
Linux stellarmate 5.15.30-v8+ #1536 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 28 13:53:14 BST 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Running Kstars seems to be causing Xorg CPU % to gradually increase upwards of 95%+ until Kstars and the pi desktop
become sluggish and almost unusable. I tried turning off all Kstars visualizations (comets, stars, planets, labels etc.)
but no improvement. Any ideas on how to trouble shoot this ?

- Dean


Dean replied to the topic 'turn on meridian flip?' in the forum. 3 years ago

I do this every time I select a target: right click on the sky map or
search target by name, tell the mount to goto, then align plate solve with slew to target.
Either that or I load and slew from a previous session image.


Dean replied to the topic 'turn on meridian flip?' in the forum. 3 years ago

I just updated SM OS today and still cannot get the meridian flip to turn on in the Mount
control page.  I select a target, start a capture sequence, the Setup page shows "Target: X"
at the far right below the Disconnect button where "X" is whatever I'm capturing.


Dean replied to the topic 'SM OS polar alignment failing' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply, but I found if I start at 800x speed, I get the
dreaded message and then I lower to 700x and it starts working ok.


Dean created a new topic ' turn on meridian flip?' in the forum. 3 years ago

I update SM OS to v1.7.0 stable channel model SM-140,
KStars build 2022-02-26 v3.5.8beta .  I auto-focussed, polar aligned,
set 2 additional model points and set my guiding target for M67.
I am capturing a sequence and want to turn on meridian flip on
the Ekos guide panel.  If I check the "Flip if HA > " box the
status message is "inactive (no Target set)" even though I am running
a capture sequence with a target.  How do i request
a meridian flip ?


Dean replied to the topic 'SM OS polar alignment failing' in the forum. 3 years ago

I tried running PAA with the new SM OS 1.7 beta: same issue.  I can no longer slew at reasonable speed without
getting "Mount aborted.  Please restart the process and reduce the speed".  Im trying 8x slew which is brutally slow.
Params are
Exp: 1.5
Bin: 2x2
Gain: 100
Accuracy: 30
Settle: 1500


Dean created a new topic ' SM OS polar alignment failing' in the forum. 3 years ago

I did a update / dist-upgrade to my Pi4B+ running SM OS
KStars build 2022-01-23 stable release thinking the issue with polar alignment
would resolve, no go.  I have been successful before with the same gear and
setup for many months but for the past few weeks the PA aborts, parks the mount
and recommends slowing the speed, which doesnt fix the issue.  Is there something
in the stellar solver I should change or is there a log I can post for review ?
Cam is ZWO ASI533, 100 gain, 1.5s exp, offset 10, scope is WO GT71 with 0.8x FR.
Regular slew to target / capture and solve is working fine.  I have checked all cables,
nothing dragging, nothing changed since before when PS was previously working fine


Dean replied to the topic 'Kstars on RPi4' in the forum. 4 years ago

your group and mode values are incompatible maybe ? seems like group 2 only goes up to 87:

the section starting at "Which values are valid for my monitor?" looks like it has
the info you need


Dean replied to the topic 'Kstars on RPi4' in the forum. 4 years ago

I also run SM OS on a pi 8Gb with SSD drive. Disadvantage: pi 4B+ wifi for me was flaky. I had problems
with wifi connectivity from my LAN to the pi on 2.4Gz channel but remedied that by running an extender at
the opposite end of the house and 2 floors up from the main router. I added a wpa_supplicant file to name
the SSIDs and priorities of the router/extender and I set the priority of the stellarmate hot spot to the lowest value. I use
VNC Viewer (RealVNC) to remote to the pi from anywhere inside now.


Dean replied to the topic 'StellarSolver failing' in the forum. 4 years ago

Ron, slight typo in my prev response: file should be /tmp/astrometryLog.txt .
If you are concerned about the file size, when you are done with KStars, in a command shell you can
truncate the file to zero length with
truncate -s0 /tmp/astrometryLog.txt


Dean replied to the topic 'StellarSolver failing' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hy, thanks for responding, I will dig deeper in the thread and see what I can learn.
I find it odd that within one month of development the solve speed has gone down
for my software environment. At first the new stellarsolve was literally unbelievably
fast .. as in OMG! Ron, I had my settings for logging as Default instead of File and unchecked
the specified file path... I found the astrometyLog.txt in /tmp


Dean replied to the topic 'StellarSolver failing' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hy, can you post some documentation on the drop down Options profiles or provide a link
to that information ? I was able to get plate solving going but much slower than
before my apt updates tonight. Hoping for insight on fine tuning.



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    17. 12. 1965
  • About me
    amateur astrophotography