Gene N created a new topic ' RTC with PI PICO and DS3231' in the forum. 2 years ago

For my travel scope I use a PI 4 in a case with a 7inch DSI display.
Given there is no room in the case for standard methods of plugging module itself into the SDA/SCL lines and given the display uses the lines already another solution was needed for as low a cost as possible.

Seems PI PICO's have become available again for non-scalper prices and DS3231 modules with battery are readily available so a bit of code on the PICO and a few wires to the DS3231 module coupled with some python scripts on the PI to allow plugging the gadget (PICO+DS3231) into PI's USB and both setting the time into the gadget and setting system time from the gadget.

The solution is pretty much universal and can be used on basically any linux or windows or mac machine where there is admin access to modify the system time.

If any interest, I can provide more info, code, wiring, etc.
