Great! Thanks for this! I'll give it another go this week. I'm on a D5000 rather than the D5100 but it shouldn't be too different... I'm using Kstars rather than gphoto but it is the gphoto Nikon ccd driver that kstars uses. I'm using the KM tronic relay for the shutter release though so hopefully your driver will work :)

Thanks again. I'll report back once I've tested it :)


Sorry to jump on this thread but how are you using your Nikon D5000? I can't get kstars to operate the USB shutter release needed for it... Or aren't you using kstars?


Still no progress with this?

I've just done a full upgrade again and I'm still getting the same problem. When I set the shutter device to /dev/ttyUSB1 as soon as I connect it changes to USB0 and then won't control the shutter release relay.

I'm on the nightly build but it still shows gphoto2 as version 2.5.9


Not that I'm aware of but I haven't tried for a while as life got in the way and there haven't been many clear nights recently.


So I've just switched to the nightly build but when I run gphoto2 -v afterwards it is saying I am on version 2.5.9

Am I looking at the wrong thing here or have I screwed something up...?

I've tried taking an exposure but still no joy., it keeps switching the port to ttyUSB0 rather than ttyUSB1 (although that changes each time.



Simon Dodd replied to the topic 'Problem updating indi-full' in the forum. 5 years ago

Just tried again with mine and I'm still getting the same errors :(


Brilliant! looking forward to this update! Do I just have to do an apt-get update/upgrade to get this or do I have to do something more...? :) thanks in advance!


Simon Dodd replied to the topic 'Nikon D5000 Failed to expose' in the forum. 5 years ago

I know it will... I managed to get it to work once, for one image, under testing in my house... Since then, nothing... Thats the really frustrating part about it! haha

I'll get there eventually though. At least I know the pi is able to control the USBrelay board properly now. It's now just a case of getting EKOS to do the same thing and I'll be golden and ready to build my all in one box for everything and add the homemade motorised focuser! :)


Simon Dodd replied to the topic 'Nikon D5000 Failed to expose' in the forum. 5 years ago

Astroberry is free apart from having to buy your own Raspberry Pi. Its basically just an Ubuntu Mate OS with a few things pre installed like kstars EKOS etc that you can then connect to via VNC


Simon Dodd replied to the topic 'Nikon D5000 Failed to expose' in the forum. 5 years ago

Good plan, I'll drop them an email, thanks.

I am currently using an old PC laptop to control everything through APT Astrophotography Tool & PHD2. It works for the camera, mount & guide camera with no additional scripts.

I am trying to lighten the load by moving to a Raspberry pi running kstars/EKOS etc but this is the stumbling block...

So far I know I can control the shutter using a script so it works with this setup, it's just a case of getting EKOS/INDI to send the right 1's & 0's to the relay board to get it to work...


Simon Dodd replied to the topic 'Nikon D5000 Failed to expose' in the forum. 5 years ago

I've got a test script that activates the shutter with the following code...

Open shutter is echo -e "\xFF\x01\x01" > dev/ttyUSB0

close shutter isĀ echo -e "\xFF\x01\x00" > dev/ttyUSB0

Is it possible to get EKOS to send this out to activate the shutter relay board...?


Simon Dodd replied to the topic 'Nikon D5000 Failed to expose' in the forum. 5 years ago

Well I've asked in the ASIAir fb group and they have basically said it's not supported and not even offered to look into it so it doesn't fill me with confidence that if I bought it they would get it working for me... Gonna stick with Astroberry for now and keep trying to get it to work. I can trigger the shutter with a shell script but still cant get EKOS to do it for me :(


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    02. 12. 1983
  • About me
    Astrophotographer with a raspberry pi hopefully running Astroberry