Hi Wolfgang,

I finally got stargo-1.10 installed and can confirm that the Tracking value is retained in the mount through power down and clutch release. That's a nice upgrade. Thanks very much.



Hi Wolfgang,

That's good news.

I'm a real newbie at cloning, making, etc, and the whole procedure is still something of a mystery to me despite my success at building star go-1.9. After almost 2 hours of trying yesterday evening, INDI CP/Avalon/Connection still reports version 1.9. My notes apparently were insufficient to enable me to clone 1.10 and make and install it.

But, you've verified that the value is saved, and I have something that works until a complete update is published, so life is good.



Hi Wolfgang,

I think I was not clear in my previous post. I did not power down the mount but performed the same test that you did. I found that if the if the Load Configuration was set to Never, then a value of 0.00 was returned from which I concluded that the mount was not remembering the value. If the Load Configuration was set to On Connection, then the correct value was loaded into the mount and displayed on the RA/Dec panel.

Perhaps I'm not testing this correctly? Or maybe I didn't do the make properly?



Hi Wolfgang,

I built and installed StarGo 1.10 and verified by inspecting the file manager date/time that it was built.

I've tested this indoors and the RA Tracking Adjust value does not appear to be saved by the mount over a shut down & start up sequence. This appears to be consistent with the reply that I received from Stefano at Avalon in response to my question on this same topic on the Avalon Instruments forum prior to my posting this request.

Here's my testing procedure:
1. Start Kstars/Ekos and automatically connect to mount.
2. Set Tracking to -1.08 on INDI CP/Avalon StarGo/RA/Dec tab
3. Save Configuration on Options tab.
4. Load Device Configuration/Never on Kstars/Configure/Ekos/General tab
5. Disconnect equipment on Ekos and Stop Ekos
6. Exit Kstars/Ekos
7. Start Kstars/Ekos and automatically connect to mount.
8. Reported value of Tracking is 0.00 on INDI CP/Avalon StarGo/RA/Dec tab

If I Set Tracking to -1.08, Save Configuration and change to Load Device Configuration/On Connection on Kstars/Configure/Ekos/General tab and then shut down and restart the reported value of Tracking is -1.08.

Perhaps I am missing something? I'm certainly no expert at this. :-)
One thing I have not found is a way to Load Device Configuration at any time other than On Connection.

Hope this has been helpful.



Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks. The Clear Sky Chart looks pretty good for tonight. I'll try to get 1.10 built today and try it out tonight.



Further update.
The sky finally cleared and I was able to test the RA Tracking Adjust. It works great. Thank you, Wolfgang



Just to close the loop for those who might be following this thread, I finally managed to make and install the modified driver and it appears to work. Unfortunately, the weather has turned cloudy for a few days so I won't be able to test it under the stars until later this week. Many thanks to Wolfgang for his patience and kind suggestions to help me navigate through unfamiliar territory.



Hello Wolfgang,

Thank you for the very fast response. From the look of the screenshots it's exactly what I need.

I've run into some difficulty installing the new driver; largely, I think, due to my ignorance and inexperience. I've never done any C coding and have never used cmake.

I followed the INSTALL instructions on branch: stargo-1.9 and after typing cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../../3rdparty/indi-avalon
Got the message: "bash: cmake: command not found"
Without changing directory (I didn't think of changing until later), I installed cmake
sudo apt-get install cmake
this appeared to install OK

I then ran the INSTALL cmake command again cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../../3rdparty/indi-avalon
"CMake Error: The source directory "/home/astroberry/indi/3rdparty/indi-avalon" does not exist.

I then followed these instructions at indilib.org/download.html to make sure I had indilib installed

Stable Release
INDI Library is available for Raspbian Buster. To install stable INDI Library, run the following commands:

wget -O - www.astroberry.io/repo/key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo su -c "echo 'deb www.astroberry.io/repo/ buster main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/astroberry.list"
sudo apt update

No errors were reported. It appeared to install cleanly.

I then went back to your INSTALL instructions and to avoid the error with not finding the 3rd party/avalon-indi directory, I ran

Cmake started to run but after 24 or so lines of print-out said

-- CFITSIO not found.
-- CFITSIO not found.
"CMake Error at cmake_modules/FindNova.cmake :49 (message):
libnova not found. Please install libnova development package."

File Attachment:

File Name: CMakeError.log
File Size: 3 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: CMakeOutput.log
File Size: 49 KB

Also CMakeOutput.log and CMakeError.log files were created, but I don't understand what they're trying to tell me.

I searched for cmake libnova and did not find information that I could use to install libnova.

I'm afraid I'm not being of much help, but I'm willing to keep trying if you can point me in the right direction.

Perhaps this is all too much for the forum and we should take it off line?



Hi Wolfgang,

I'm currently running StarGo under Parallels/Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro. I find that if the RATA is left at the default value of zero then all RA guide pulses are in one direction and the RA graph on PHD2 never gets to zero. In addition, a star cross test shows that the star did not return to its initial location. Setting the RATA to a value of -108 gives roughly an equal number of RA guide pulses in each direction and the RA graph varies about zero. In addition, the star cross test shows the star returned to its initial location. If I check the Auto Track Adj box then the RATA value starts to swing wildly (ranges like -400 to +150) and I've never had the patience to let it settle down (if, indeed, it will).

I'm trying to get all functions consolidated onto a Raspberry Pi 4 running Kstars/EKOS/INDI so that I can operate wirelessly, both for convenience and to reduce the number of cables dangling from my scope to the tripod.

Thanks for your help. I've operated this way for several months, so there's no rush on my part. Enjoy your vacation.



Thank you, Wolfgang.
I'll be happy to do any testing that you might require.



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