Piotr Długosz replied to the topic 'SAVED WINDOWS POSITIONS' in the forum. 5 years ago

Are you on Linux? The below will work on Linux only.
You can try additional utility like devilspie - there is a number of similar tools, typically available directly from distro repositiories. It takes some time to configure but at the end you will have everything in place, from the start. Even after completely resetting kstars config...
The problem which can make such setup difficult is Kstars/Ekos windows lack consistent WM class/name etc. - so not always it is possible to distinguish windows in the tool.

Another possiblity, also in Linux is to use a tiling window manager. I use "Subtle WM" subtle.subforge.org/ in my NanoPi and (again after quite a time spent configuring it) I have nicely split screen with each tool occypying it's own pre-defined place.


Piotr Długosz replied to the topic 'Standards on KEY's in drivers' in the forum. 5 years ago

It iis a good question!
I searched the sources and seems the only driver which uses ATMOSPHERE/TEMPERATORE and HUMIDITY is my DreamFocuser. Now I'm rather thinking to change that to WEATHER_TEMPERATURE and WEATHER_HUMIDITY - which seem to be used across other drivers...


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  • Birthdate
    14. 06. 1969
  • About me
    Profession: system administrator (specialised in Debian Linux). Hobby: astro photography (of course using Linux tools only!)