I downloaded the latest version StellarMate OS and installed all new. Now it seems to work again, and I hopefully can image tonight. Fingers crossed.


Just to mention it, all is on the latest (stable) versions with StellarMateOS 1.7.6 and KStars 3.6.4


Hi, I hope maybe someone has an idea of what's suddenly wrong with my EKOS.

I am running an imaging setup with Raspi 4, ASI294MC, ASI174MM mini, ASI EAF, and iOptron CEM70 without any larger issues - till now.

Recently only the ASI 294MC and the CEM70 appear when I start the respective profile in EKOS. It does not matter how I connect the devices - directly to the Raspi or via a hub (I usually use a powered hub). All devices appear in lsusb and the StellarMate Dashboard. After the issue appeared the first time, upgraded the RasPi and tested it - all worked fine. However, after a restart and new test same issue appears: the ASI 294MC and the CEM70 show up, but no trace of the EAF or the guide cam...

I tried different cables, did not help. I made a new profile with a Sony DSLR, QHY guide cam, and CEM70 mount. On the first check, this worked. But when I rebooted the Raspi and tried this profile again, only the CEM70 showed up. Again, similar issue.

I would be glad if someone had an idea of what I could check or do to get it back to a working state.

Best, Nico


Great it worked for you too Wouter! Of course, I tinkered around with the HC because I had no clues about Ekos and Co.
Nowadays, when I would get a new mount, I also would just connect it to Ekos and it´s done ;-D

Cheers, Nico


I have it all running locally on the Raspberry Pi and control it via VNC.

Attached some images where to find the alignment error in the HC menu :-)


Gonzothegreat wrote: hello naugustin, which driver are you loading up in Ekos please? iEQ or CEM25? What does it show as please?

I set the mount as iOptronCEM25 in the Ekos profile editor and it´s also shown as iOptronCEM25 when started.



It was indeed hidden in the hand controller. But not in the time & location nor Meridian treatment tab, no it was in the alignment menu! I vaguely remember that I did experiment a little with star- and polar-align routines when I got the mount. I was not impressed by that and completely forgot about it. So, when I was checking through the HC menu today I thought to have a look in the alignment tabs too, as „alignment“ sounded to me like „it could screw something up“.

And indeed, there was an alignment error set in the HC! Stupid, stupid me… I simply deleted the alignment data and I directly love my CEM25P even more than before :-D

The mount slewed directly to the „convenient“ side of the pier even if the object did not cross the Meridian but was close to. A test Meridian flip worked like a charm and even the parking works now!

I´m really looking forward to the first flawless meridian-crossing imaging session to see it in action with plate solving and guiding - fingers crossed.
Thank you all for your patience and many many ideas (and insisting to search the error in the HC rather than in Ekos ;-))


Yes, the hour angle was set very close after crossing Meridian because that was suggested in this thread earlier and for others this is working (Ekos HA 0.02 and in HC 3 deg) - that´s what makes me wonder why settings that work perfectly fine for others aren´t working for my setup. I´m still convinced that it is just a simple thing that I oversee somewhere - either in the HC or in Ekos as I´m having the same issue in different KStars versions and different computers. I did tried other combinations in the HC and Ekos (like suggested by ekos 3deg in Ekos and 5 deg in the HC).

I tested a little bit last night before I was imaging and found that my mount did not changed the pier side from West to East before a Target was about HA 00:52 (0.86) after the meridian what is a bit irritating when the max that did set in the HC was 3 deg past Meridian (HA 0.2) and the overall possible maximum should be 10° (HA 0.67)... I´m maybe a bit confused here.
Will give it another try with more time after the meridian and report again. I don´t give up - I guess at some point we´re laughing about my stupididty ;-)

Cheers, Nico


So, finally I could test with my Mac and... it failed again but I got a log-file! :-D So, it´s most likely not KStars or my StellarMate.
All I see in the log is that the Flip was scheduled, triggered, accepted and failed - but I´m obviously not the most qualified person to translate the log :-)
Is there anything in that can help further?

File Attachment:

File Name: log_23-37-16.txt
File Size: 139 KB


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