Ed Bessant created a new topic ' Fedora drivers for Altair CCDs' in the forum. 6 years ago


Does anyone know if there will be a driver for Altair CCDs any time soon on Fedora? I know that the driver is available for StellarMate and Ubuntu, but I really do prefer Fedora as an OS.




Ed Bessant created a new topic ' Fedora drivers for Altair CCDs' in the forum. 6 years ago

Howdo all,

Can anyone tell me if there is a release date for the Altair drivers for the Altair Astro CCDs. I know that they are available for Ubuntu and StellarMate, both of which I have installations, but I really do prefer Fedora as the OS.


Forum newbie


Does anyone out there know when the drivers for Altair Astro CCDs are going to be added to the Fedora libindi-bleeding repository? I know that they... Show more

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