Darren Jehan replied to the topic 'VAP Connection Issue' in the forum. 6 years ago

OK, lengthy note this one!
I reflashed the SD card and started from scratch...

reflashed SD Card with 1.1.0 image
Connect LAN cable
Power on
Ran apt update and apt upgrade
Ran apt-get dist-update
Disconnect LAN
Power on
ifconfig and astroberry_vap status confirm VAP has started
Ubuntu 18.04 client connects to astroberry VAP
IP address given as
http://astroberry.local shows the welcome page but connection fails (suspect the welcome page is cached?) fails to connect
Connect to WLAN using wlanconfig
Confirm connection working OK and IP address is valid
While WLAN connection is valid, go back to post [url=https://indilib.org/forum/astroberry/4829-vap-connection-issue.html?start=0#36660]HERE[/url] and follow instructions
Modify interfaces, rc.local and confirm wpa_supplicant has valid WLAN details
Download astroberry_wireless script, put in /u/l/b and chmod it
ifconfig shows VAP up, but no IP address for WLAN
Attempt to redownload the astroberry_wireless - confirms that no network connection is present
Output from astroberry_wireless says that the password is incorrect - [color=orange]it is not![/color]
Ubuntu client connects to VAP, but cannot connect to http://astroberry.local or
Changed network settings in Ubuntu to manual IP with mask and DNS, no difference
Confirmed astroberry firewall is disabled on all 3 profiles
Retest connection to VAP - no difference
Output of iwconfig shows:
  lo	        no wireless connection

  vap0	IEEE 802.11  Mode:Master  Tx-Power=31 dBm
		Retry short limit:7  RTS thr: off  Fragment thr:off
		Power Management:on
  wlan0	IEEE 802.11  ESSID:off/any
		Mode:Managed  Access Point:Not Associated  Tx-Power=31 dBm
		Retry short limit:7  RTS thr: off  Fragment thr:off
		Encryption key:off
		Power Management:on		
Revert changes to /etc/network/interfaces
Hash out astroberry_wireless from rc.local
Device now connects to WLAN again, confirmed by redownloading astroberry_wireless script
Ubuntu client cannot connect to astroberry.local or via IP address
astroberry_vap status confirms VAP is not started
astroberry_vap start to start VAP
Ubuntu client connects to astroberry, gets IP address but cannot connect to astroberry.local or IP addreess

I don't actually mind about the WLAN but I do want the VAP connection to work so I can use in the field - the primary goal. Any updates I need can be done when connected to the ethernet, but VAP is key!

So, I removed the WLAN settings from wpa_supplicant, removed the WLAN settings from /etc/network/interfaces and re-added the astroberry_wireless into rc.local
When I reboot, the VAP comes up, and again, my Ubuntu client connects to it - I assume, because I get an IP address - but I cannot connect to it.

Hope some of this helps!!