Darren Jehan created a new topic ' Network issues!!' in the forum. 6 years ago

So, I WAS able to connect my astroberry server to my WLAN and remote onto it via the browser.... (note, was!!)

I decided to try and get the VAP working so I could connect in the field, and this is where it all went wrong!! I was not able to connect to the RPi at all using the 'astroberry' VAP, although my Ubuntu client 'seemed' to connect and receive an IP address. No matter what I tried (browser, VNC) I could not connect.

So, I went back to my WLAN to try and figure things out, and now the RPi won't connect to the WLAN at all... I've tried a static IP address, but that didn't work and now I get a "No DHCPOFFERS received" message when I restart the wlan0 interface! I can only access by plugging into the device with screen/keyboard/mouse, I can't remote to it at all...

The wpa_supplicant file shows the network correctly, and I have even deleted the entry and redone the wlanconf but still no joy!

Any thoughts??

I really don't want to rebuild if I can get away with it....
