I've been banging my head against the wall for the last few days trying to get my configuration to work with Kstars /EKOS either on StellarMate (I was hoping to use the App) or on an Astroberry running Kstars over VNC.
I recently purchased the Stellarmate OS, mainly due to seeing the Cuiv smart telescope video on YouTube. I am familiar with Kstars and EKOS, but was excited by the targets and image stacking features of the Stellarmate mobile app. The trouble is that the App basically doesn't work for mount control, for me at least.
My configuration is with an Skywatcher All-View mount with the SynScan Wi-Fi dongle, with a Canon 20D camera on a Celestron C-90 scope. I can get EKOS to recognize the camera just fine, But getting it to recognize the All-View mount and SynScan Wi-Fi has been a nightmare. I've tried the Az-GTi Alt-Az driver, the Az-GTi Alt-Az Wi-Fi driver, EQMod and all the other Skywatcher drivers in various configurations with no luck. I can control the mount using the SynScan Pro app and also with SkySafari Pro 7 App. I can use a work around by using the SynScan Pro app to control the mount and the Stellarmate app to control the camera, but this is less than ideal.
My question is is there anyone here that has a similar set-up to mine (an All-View mount with the SynScan Dongle,) and are able to control the mount with either EKOS or the StellarMate app?


Jay replied to the topic 'First time autoguiding' in the forum. 5 years ago

My understanding is that the LXD55 does use a standard ST4 auto guider interface on its Aux port. How did you get auto guiding to work?


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    20. 10. 1956
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    Astrophotographer. Skylapser.com Cielito Azul Observatory