Hy everyone,

sorry for my late answer. The pairing of my Mount remains after evry boot. The only thing i have to do at every boot is $ sudo rfcomm bind hci0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 1 &"

I´ve tested this many times. At the moment i try to find out, how this command run at every boot automaticly.

I´ll keep you up-to-date.


Hy everyone,

at the moment i try to connect my Celestron mount to my INDI-Server on a raspberry Pi 3. The connection of the Camera works fine, but the connection to the mount doesn´t work. My Handcontrol of the mount has a bluetooth-modul. So i asked myself if it is possible to connect the mount to INDI via bluetooth, but i don´tt now how. The only way to connect i can find ist serial or ethernet. Is there anyone who try the same and it works?



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  • Birthdate
    12. 02. 1985
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    I´m here for troubleshooting