We've recently obtained what appears to be a low-mileage ST-10XME which we are interested in using for some INDI development work. The camera has a CFW-8 wheel with the I2C link. Upon power-up, the wheel reliably rotates to the home position, so it appears to be in good order. Initial tests with the camera itself look good -- the cooler operates correctly and maintains a temperature differential of -40 C without issue, there don't appear to be any dead columns, and darks are quite smooth. For what we need, this should be a good instrument.

Is there any specific documentation available which would provide details needed to configure and operate the filter wheel using Ekos? I've not been able to determine how to access the filter settings shown in this message:


Once connected, is the filter wheel automatically visible to the INDI driver or is additional configuration needed to access it through the camera's USB communications link via the I2C link between the camera and filter wheel?


Michael Collins replied to the topic 'Fli cfw-2-8 FilterWheel' in the forum. 4 years ago

FLI has posted a link to an updated Linux SDK on their downloads page. I found it necessary to make one small change to their Makefile in order to compile the code under Ubuntu-18.04LTS. Is this the update needed to address the issues reported previously in this thread?

Link: www.flicamera.com/downloads/sdk/fliusb-linux-kernel-4.18.tar.gz

In the Makefile, I changed line 15 from
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules


I'm involved in development of a motorized rotation system for an existing dome which is intended to support automated operation. Initially at least, the shutter will be operated manually at the beginning and end of an observing session. Since we have full flexibility to define the command set for dome control, it has been suggested that we conform to an existing protocol rather than develop our own. This would be along the lines of Losmandy and Astro-Physics implementations of the Meade LX200 command sets for support of basic operations of their mounts. With an eye toward the possibility that we may eventually add shutter control, it would be useful to know if anyone can recommend an existing dome control protocol which is both openly documented and currently supported by an INDI driver. Our goal is to use that driver for our dome without any need for modification.


You may want to post this question in the software forum at Stargazer's Lounge. I don't know if the lead developer for oaCapture monitors this forum, but he is quite responsive to questions posted at SGL.


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