Chris Waters replied to the topic 'Mesu Mount 200 Driver Request' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thanks Fellside
I use sitech on a win 7 laptop, at least that is less painful than win 10. There are only two other reasons I have Windows, Sharpcap and PHD2. I would dearly like to replace PHD2 with EKOS.
With an INDI deiver I would only have to boot Win 7 for Sharpcap.

As it is I find that having built a Sitech 40 star sky map and use all terms good go to and tracking is the norm. EKOS woild improve my guiding life by a large margin.
Graham I just saw your post. Good idea but joining yahoo groups with no cell phone coverage is a not practical. I have tried and managed to do so (Mesu mount group) but input there after is impossible.
