steve created a new topic ' HEM27ec Mount control not stable' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi All,

looking for some help with the appropriate drivers for HEM27ec mount. I have it usb connected through the hand controller,

It connects then i end up with command read errors :
bool IOPv3::Driver::getStatus(IOPv3::IOPInfo*): Expected 23 bytes but received 22.
[ERROR] Read Command Error: Timeout error

and the EQ coordinates turns red after the error

looking through the settings it is saying it is a iEQ30Pro not HEM27 even though i selected that options it is using the v3 drivers. I have tried the HEM27 profile as well as CEM26 // 120 all with the same error

I just build from source the latest inidlib etc. on rpi4 with Bullseye 64bit OS and still not luck has anybody successfully managed to get this mount working

Any help greatly appreciated I'm a bit lost without Stars // EKOS running


Hi there, so I have been trying for the last few hours to change the default host name, the SSID name as well as the default WIFI address as we're going to have Astroberry installs on multiple scopes all within wifi range

can anybody provide some illumination on the way this is configured here as there is limited in the way of normal files eg hostapd etc



Hi All,
Finally been able to get the system out under the stars !

from a mechanics point of view everything worked Ok but when I came to processionals the data I found an issue with the saved images from the SBIG.

all files were collected in a batch mode through ekos with all default settings. The system is running on rPI3b+ on ubuntu mate with v1.7.

Many of the files which have been collected have a column size of 3550 while others seem to have a column size of 3551. the FITS header says that they are the same size by processing software fails due to the image size being different by a single column.

I am not sure if this is an error within the driver or within Ekos itself.

Any help greatly appreciated



Hi There,

Thank you so much i can confirm that the driver appears to be working as expected now. i.e. flash green led with guide pulse. I can also confirm that this is linked to external PhD2.

Awesome support !

As soon as i can get a clear night :( I will star test and confirm that all is working.



Hi there,

so i pulled the git repo and built the driver set etc but the driver is now broken. So the driver installs ok and seems to connect to the device but the GPUSB is unable to operate either the green light is on continuously or the LED turns red.

I have tried to manually nudge the mount but there is no guide pulse getting to the mount.

the good news is that the driver appears in PhD2 now

Any ideas?



Hi There,

so i pulled the git repo and compiled the relevant items and it seems that the driver is broken. So the driver installs ok and seems to connect to the device but the GPUSB is unable to operate either the green light is on continuously or the LED turns red.

I have tried to manually nudge the mount but there is no guide pulse getting to the mount.

the good news is that the driver appears in PhD2 now

Any ideas?



Ok will pull the git repo and try


Hi There, Thanks for the quick response -- so i have pulled the nightly build (just) and I think that its installed and running. I see a new telescope driver for telescope_gpusb and have selected this as the mount.

when i look at the general info under indi options is see the telescope_gpusb and version 1.0 which is the same as GPUSB drive (I assume that there is no increase in the version number)

When i setup in egos with internal guiding i can select the telescope_gpusb as driver for guiding and it looks like its responding on the GPUSB with the correct timing pulses etc (unable to test out side)

in PHD2 (version PHD2.6.5dev7) there is no option to select a different driver driver even though in the indi control panel i can see that all my devices are connected.

Not sure where to go from here I guess PHD2 is not seeing the device driver as a mount?



The GPUSB connection through EKOS built in guiding works fine and looks very stable. But PHD will not allow for selection of the GPUSB as the mount for guiding signals. Software is running RPi 3 with Ubuntu mate and AstroPi3 build scripts.

I can not find the correct magic settings anywhere please if anybody can help this would be great otherwise i need to completely rethink. INDI has come so far so it seems silly that something such as this will be a deal breaker

I understand that this may not be the optimal place for this but i have been searching for a week now and failing to find any information to make this work so I'm kind of getting desperate



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