Dominik created a new topic ' Canon DSLR auto focus issues' in the forum. 6 years ago


I could really use some advise as the auto focus issues I currently experience have already ruined two perfectly good nights and I do not want to spend another night trying to get it right.

My setup:
Ubuntu Mate 16.04 on Raspberry Pi 3 B+
The Pi is running headless and I am connected via VNC
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM
The camera is connected via an active USB hub
No mirror lock

The settings in Ekos / INDO are standard AFAIK. The values for pixel pitch and sensor size are set.

I can capture an image, select are star and run the Auto Focus. It will go through a few steps and either be successful or not but that really does not matter because the stars will still be out of focus. I have increased the values for max travel and steps (as shown on the tutorial video) to no avail. The process will finish successfully with the stars still out of focus, decreasing the values for max travel and step will let the process end up unsuccessfully (and also out of focus stars).
The image takes so long to load on the Pi that the built-in LiveView is unusable. I even tried to focus in and out manually and I do spot a difference when changing focus but I did not get it right.
I have used LiveView on the camera itself to get it focussed as good as possible but I think it was not enough for auto focus to work properly.
Does anyone had similar problems and a solution for me? Is there anything I am missing?

Best regards from Germany,