Michael Curtis replied to the topic 'Stellarmate vs own compiling' in the forum. 6 years ago

Wait your telling me that free software is impoverishing an entire generation of developers?

LOL ... uhmm no its not... developers are some of the highest paid people on the planet. Software Engineering is still one of the highest in demand jobs on the planet.

Ya know what's impoverishing "developers"? The fact that thy are coders who think that they are developers because "they know javascript" muddling the market. I have 5 to 6 people out of 10 who call themselves "python coders" who can't tell me when and why a python script should "import sys" in an interview.... THIS is your societal problem.

IF someone doesn't want to charge for thier software... impressive, good on them... if they do, then I will probably pay for it. If they ask for a donation or something they will probably get it.

I was curious of the differences myself, doesn't mean I won't just buy the hardware and software bundled... well actually i probably won't because I kind of like the idea of having my own version of a case for the Pi. I will probably just buy the Smartmate OS anyway, because he went thru the trouble of packaging it up and would like to make a some value from his efforts, but I too wanted to ensure its not "packageware" something that WAS a real scourge on our society years ago.