Kai Roth replied to the topic 'ScopeDome dome controller driver' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hello Jarno,

I am writing in response to Danuvium , who had inquired about INDI implementation of the ScopeDome drivers late last year . I am happy to announce, that thanks to your work we have been able to connect our ScopeDome module to our Linux PC with little effort. Thank you very much for your work.
While we can not report on all the functionalities the box provides, all the necessary functions (e.g. dome movement and abort) are well implemented.
There are however still some problems we encounter. Most notably, the dome oftentimes overshoots its target and tries to correct for this by going back and forth until reasonably close, even with the use of an inertia table. But as the improvement is usually minimal for our dome, we would much prefer it, if the ScopeDome module would not try to correct for the overshoot. Do you happen to know, if it is possible to turn this functionality off, or to increase the threshold for the acceptable discrepancy?

With best regards,
Kai R.