Mark Kuehner created a new topic ' Atik GP crashes INDI server' in the forum. 6 years ago

I'm just getting started with INDI, Linux, and KStars so please bear with me if I ask really dumb questions. I have all of my equipment up and running with the exception of my Atik GP guide camera which is crashing the Indi server. After exposing an image I get this error message from Kstars: "KStars detected INDI driver indi_atik_ccd crashed. Please check INDI server log in the Device Manager." From the log I see this error: "2019-02-06T23:53:57: Driver indi_atik_ccd: libusb: error [submit_bulk_transfer] submiturb failed error -1 errno=2 Child process 5072 died". Does anyone have any idea what this means? I've read that the INDI Atik driver doesn't support long exposures and that I might need to use the Indigo driver instead. I'm currently running version 2.1 of the indi_atik_ccd driver and also the latest nightly build of KStars. If I do need to run the Indigo driver could someone please walk me through the process of installing the Indigo server along side of the INDI server? As a side note, I have an Atik One 9 imaging camera hooked up as well and it seems to work without issue.
