Pieter Boogaerts created a new topic ' Raspbian INDI 1.7.6' in the forum. 6 years ago

newbie here :)
I'm trying to use INDI to drive a Skywatcher AZ-GTi mount.
I have everything working on my ubuntu desktop (latest INDI version from the repo v1.7.6), also several helpful threads on this forum. In short: good stuff! :D

However I'm also trying to run the same thing on my raspberry (raspbian OS), here the INDI version is listed as v1.7.4.
Unfortunately I can't get the AZ-GTi to connect and reading the INDI device page for the AZ-GTi, I understand I need INDI > 1.7.5
So, question: Any idea when/if INDI 1.7.6 is coming to raspbian? :)

