robert replied to the topic 'INDI DSLRs FAQ' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi Jaseem,

it has been a while since i looked at the code. work got in the way...
Anyway i did install the dev stack of indi and 3rdparty drivers in order to see what can be done with the gphoto_open as you suggested. however I am not sure how much of the args are passed and i cannot make much sense of some of what is happening...

for instance:

gphoto2 --list-ports
Devices found: 4
Path                             Description
ptpip:                           PTP/IP Connection               
ip:                              IP Connection                   
serial:/dev/ttyS0                Serial Port 0                   
serial:                          Serial Port Device

this would lead me to believe that a port "ip:" in the config panel should be passed on correctly to the driver but i cannot get it to pass .

2) i cannot see how
--camera "Panasonic LumixGseries"
can be passed as an arg to the driver.
3) also i do not get how gphoto_ccd and gphoto_driver are connected.
4) i tried to create lumix entry in the indi_gphoto_xml.cmake which does appear correctly on the ksars camera menu but fails at launch.
5) it seems that none of the attempts i made in modding the gphoto_open led to any consideration in the execution almost as if the original driver was called but i did change the target from /usr/local to /usr/ ...

anyway long one to ask for you to look at this probably simple feat for you but quite complex for me. I would be quite keen to go back and forth with you if you cannot test the actual driver against the lumix cameras...

Thanks in advance
