
I just updated my stellarmate - the rpi and the iOS app - to the latest version.
When I try to create new presets in the capture module of the iOS app, the app crashes and I end up with the ipad home screen. The rpi keeps running - no crash on this end - and I can restart the app and reconnect. The preset I try to store is lost.
The only way to set up a capture sequence is using pi/ekos by vnc and start the sequence in the iOS app.
Can anybody help?



Any news about the topic? I am thinking about buying the esatto focuser. Is it likely, that the Arco-support on indi is only a matter of time?




I am using gain 110 / offset 48. I think I looked up these values in the asi-Control-app for windows, but I am not shuer anymore. Anyway, the images are ok.



Christian Hengel replied to the topic 'Guiding help needed' in the forum. 4 years ago

Did you find any solution to the guiding issues with the azgti? Tonight I tried guiding with the azgti and didn't get any acceptable result - neither in ekos nor in phd2... In phd2 I tried to measure the dec backlash. The backlash graph is showing a huge backlash in dec - phd stops measuring just when the backlash steps end and the reverse motion is beginning.


Christian Hengel replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip' in the forum. 4 years ago

Yes, I was thinking about trying a negative value but it won't let me. I was wondering if setting HA>23hours would cause a meridian flip 15° before passing the meridian?


Christian Hengel replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip' in the forum. 4 years ago

The automatic meridian flip is working fine.
My problem is that, with my mount and telescope configuration, near zenith guiding works better when the telescope is on the east side pointing west. Guiding results are far better after the meridian flip. Just changing the counterweight-balance does not solve the issue. I believe, the mount's physical specifications would allow to flip 10-20° before reaching the meridian , so I probably could avoid the guiding issue if I could flip before the mount passes the meridian.



is it possible to swap east an west in the kstars sky-chart?
Thank you



Christian Hengel created a new topic ' Meridian Flip' in the forum. 4 years ago

is there some sort of a button to force an immediate meridian flip?
Thank you



Thank you, Jasem. I wrote an email to zwo support. They say

"It is normal, the gain over 460 is digital gain.
Gain range may differ from software and drivers."

They couldn't tell, if the driver has recently been changed.

From the camera's bahaviour I would say there is no difference between before and after the change, i.e. gain 110 leads to similar images as before.

However, it would be good to have an explanation, why suddenly there is a different maximum gain in the driver … that is not a thing that happenes just like that.


Anybody any idea? Before I upgraded, the maximum gain was 460 as it should be. Has the ASI-driver changed? In which way does the change effect imaging performance?


Two days ago I made the sudo apt-get upgrade. When I went for a imaging-session yesterday, the asi driver for the zwo asi 2600 mc-pro suddenly offered a maximum gain of 700. The maximum gain should be 460 due to the manufacturers documentation. Will the camera behaviour be the same as it was before when I set the camera gain to e.g. 110?


Christian Hengel created a new topic ' QHY5-ii live video color' in the forum. 5 years ago

is there a way to have the live video in color instead of grayscales with the QHY5-ii?
I can‘t find a corresponding option in the indi driver.

Thank you



Hello Jasem and Sterne-Jaeger,
thank you! I found the following post in the forum:


The solution described there worked for me to connect to the lodestar guider cam, but it made pop up another issue, I thought I had already solved:

As soon as I connect to my ASI 294mc via USB3, the WiFi-HotSpot of my Intel ComputeStick (Ubuntu Mate 16.04) crashes. That is a problem because I control kstars / indi remotely with Teamviewer, using the HotSpot wifi-connection.

Before I made the changes in the /etc/default/tlp according to the above post, I had solved this issue by forcing the HotSpot to 2.4GHz. Now the problem is back ...
When I connect via USB2, everything works fine now. I am not sure, if I should try to get the ASI-cam work with USB3, since there are statements on the web that state that for this ASI-cam the image quality was affected by the usb-standard. They say the amp-glow in the dark (and light) frames was more pronounced with usb2, which I could confirm in tests. I‘ll have to investigate how far the image quality of actual images is affected / if it is ok with USB2.


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