That seems to have dome the trick on my laptop running Linux, the Canon 100D and QHY5LII-M running happily together once again. Not had a chance to test it on the TinkerBoard yet - rain stops play :-(


To me it implies that the images don't get scaled up in the camera (at least it shouldn't if they are in RAW format as I understand) but that they come out as 12 bit images from the 1000D and 14 bit from the 450D, 2 to the power of 12 being 4096 and to the power of 14 being 16384. I think any scaling is then done on the software on the computer - for instance, in CCDCiel, my 100D (14 bit) only shows pixel values up to around 16000, whereas the same camera hooked up to SGPro has saturated pixels at around 65000, i.e., it has been scaled to 16 bit at least for the display.


The SM OS on the site is still v1.4.4 which is the one that I am using - I clearly don't know where to look for any updated beta versions. As for using GPhoto, I tried that a while ago and it made no difference. Personally, I'm convinced it's a problem with the QHY driver since, though I can't get KStars to run reliably on the rPi4, I did get the INDI server running and got PHD2 open with the QHY5LIIM camera, but it refused to download and preview any images. If I had al alternative guide camera to the QHY, I would try that to see if it made any difference, but I don't sadly. Is there any way to go back to an earlier INDI-QHY driver (and maybe an earlier CANON one) since this has all just apparently started with the September release - it may just be coincidence, but again, this would be a way of eliminating things that aren't the cause of the problem.



I have just completely reimaged my TinkerBoard S and the problem persists. I can take a sequence of images with my Canon 100D and that all works fine, but as soon as I start my guide camera (even just looping, not actually guiding), the Canon runs into difficulties and, at the end of the first exposure in this mode, I get a message saying "Cannot wait for event" (or something like that) and the image won't download. The camera is then unusable until I completely power it down (which includes removing the battery). I have therefore eliminated the software on the TinkerBoard as a problem I believe. My next attempt will be with my rPi 4B using the beta image of StellarMate, but that seems to be a bit flaky at the moment with KStars hanging during start-up so I'm not hopeful.



I too have been having a similar problem with my Canon 100D, and though it may be coincidence, it has started since the latest slew of updates. My set is that on my "portable" mount, I have a TinkerBoard S that runs Linux and uses INDI drivers, with an EQ6-Pro mount, a SW 150PDS with an astr0modded Canon 100D and a QHY5LIIM guide camera on an Orion Guide Scope. All was well until recently where the sequence of events would be as follows.

I could set up the rig and slew the scope to a bright star to focus the scope. I'd be able to do that fine using a Bahtinow mask, so then I'd slew to the target I'm after with the software doing plate solving etc., to get me there. All OK up to now. Then I would start the auto guider and it would all stop working in that the auto guider would appear to be OK, but the Canon would display the symptoms described by Rishi. I was using the Canon INDI driver, so I triep the gphoto driver as per your suggestion, but that was exactly the same.

Being a scientist with an inquisitive mind, I decided to hook everything up to a laptop to see if it was related to the TinkerBoard, but that's where things became more odd (or maybe more clear, I'm not sure). First I tried running under Ubuntu with KStars / EKOS, and the 100D worked fine on it's own, but when I went to the guider page, any attempt to get the gude camera to start looping resulted in time-out errors on the QHY5LII, so I different issue apparently, but one that still leave the system unuseable. However, my laptop is dual boot so I went to trusty old Windows and fired up SGPro and PHD2 using ASCOM drivers and all worked absolutely fine - the reason for this latter course of action was to confirm that I don't have any faulty hardware, which it successfully proved.

So my question is whether it is the Canon driver that is the problem, or is it the QHY driver (I notice that this was updated to a newer SDK if I recall correctly) that is the cause of the trouble. I am lucky in that I can run the whole thing under Windows, but I do want to get back to using my TinkerBoard as that is what makes the mount "portable", not the weight!



I've just started having a similar problem. I'm running everything on a Tinker board a and my imaging camera is a Canon 100D with a QHY5L-IIM for guiding. The problem just seems to have started with the latest Indilib release, because prior to this everything worked flawlessly. However, now, I can collect images (using either CCDCiel or KStars), but as soon as I start looping images with the autoguider, the main imaging process hangs. The message that appears is that the image is downloading but it never completes and so the Canon eventually times out. However, the only way to get the Canon to work again is to power it off and remove the battery. All of which means that I can do no imaging at all. I assume it is a conflict between the QHY and Canon drivers, but I've no idea where to go from here.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    09. 05. 1956
  • About me
    I am now retired after 40 years. I have a degree in Chemical Engineering, and my interests are anything scientific, astrophotography, rugby, ballroom dancing and a few other random pastimes.