Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

sterne-jaeger wrote: Many thanks for the hints. Please be so kind and post them as bug reports with instructions how they can be reproduced.

Done. See #820 and #821 .


Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

sterne-jaeger wrote: Almost :-) The direction is changed by the <strong>Direction</strong> control, where you have the options <strong>Focus In</strong> and <strong>Focus Out</strong>. The focuser moves by the amount of steps you set with <strong>Relative Position</strong> in the given direction.

I see ;) That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.


Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

By the way, I noticed two more issues while testing the StarGo driver:

1. When I powered the Linear mount with 12V it stalled during slews and made scary noises. In the ASCOM driver the fastest slew speed (I believe it is called "ultra") is only enabled when the mount is powered with 16V. For lower voltage the fastest speed is "fast", IIRC.

2. Can we enable/disable the keypad? Is it the "joystick" option? I plugged in the keypad today, and after disconnecting it again, slews aborted randomly. This also happens on ASCOM when the keypad is not connected but not explicitly disabled in the driver. To fix it I had to boot windows and disable the keypad in the StarGo driver. Afterwards slews worked again in INDI. I was not able to fix it with the "joystick" option in the INDI control panel.


Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

sterne-jaeger wrote: Regarding the negative value: this is the behavior for all INDI focusers, position "0" means that the focuser is fully drawn in.

If that is not the case, sync it to a value > 0 and recall the move.

Does that make sense for you?

I'm not sure I understand the function of the "Relative position" parameter in the control panel. I thought it should be the same as "focus in" and "focus out" in EKOS, and we should be able to set it for example to +100 and -100 to move out and in.


Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

I checked out sterne-jaeger's working branch a few minutes ago. It worked like a charm*. Relative movements work in both directions, the GUI updates correctly, setting absolute positions works, too. Great job!

Just one thing: The spin box in the control panel to set the relative position should allow negative values.

* Avalon FOCS focuser at AUX1 port of the Avalon Linear


Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your feedback. I had a debugging session with Wolfgang this week. I think he understood what is going wrong. Unfortunately I can't contribute more than giving him remote access to my FOCS focuser.



Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

sterne-jaeger wrote: Hm, without a working Avalon FOCS, it is difficult to drill the problem down. One option would be that you download the sources and debug it on your own.

I see. But to be honest, I would not even know where to start with the debugging and what to look for. Would it help if I give you TeamViewer access to my mount-side PC? I already pulled the source code of indi and kstars from github and compiled it. Plus I can point a camera at the focuser, so you get a live stream of the movements. I will re-install the PC anyway, so I don't care if you mess it up. And I will disengage all clutches of the mount and focuser, so you can't do any damage when testing movements. What do you think?


Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

The speed dial is numerical (see attached). It defaults to a value of 2. The controls are enabled. I can change the value, but it has no effect on the actual speed.


Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

Sure, see attached. I set the output mode to "verbose" and activated "Mount" and "Focuser" output for both Ekos and the driver. Then I pressed some buttons (move out, move in, sync position, set absolute position, change focuser speed).


Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi Wolfgang,

That would be fantastic. You guys are awesome! Let me know if I can be of any assistance.



Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

Awesome! Now it works. Thanks for the quick fix.

Un-/parking and slewing works like a charm. I will test centering, syncing, tracking and guiding next time we get clear skies. I had some issues with the focuser, though. It is an Avalon FOCS connected to AUX1 of the mount. Indi doesn't seem to read the position. It stays at 0 when it moves out, and then doesn't allow me to move back in. But I only tested it for 5 minutes. I'll try again later.



Nicola Döbelin replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago


I am trying to install the new Avalon StarGo driver on Ubuntu 18.04 using the nightly packages. However, I am getting error messages because "indi-avalon" wants to overwrite a file from "indi-eqmod". I can work around this by uninstalling indi-full and indi-eqmod, but the indi-avalon package indeed contains indi-eqmod files:

nic@astrofitlet:~$ dpkg -L indi-avalon
nic@astrofitlet:~$ apt-cache search indi-avalon
indi-avalon-dbg - INDI Avalon Stargo Driver.
indi-avalon - INDI Avalon Stargo Driver.

Is this correct or is the nightly indi-avalon package broken?


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