Madison Perkins replied to the topic 'Canon Imaging and focus.' in the forum. 6 years ago

I am a little confused with your response and what I am seeing between the focus screen and the capture screen. When I capture native with the camera settings set to native, no save to sdcard and RAW I transfer to the pie in 3-4 seconds for each image. The image size is 31mb. When I switch the capture type to fits in the capture screen it transfers in about 17 seconds. The image size is 48 mb. I understand there is a lot more going on when it is converted to fits. With a file size 150% larger than the raw file and the conversion process this seems reasonable.

Here is what’s confusing me with the focus screen. It takes roughly the same amount of time to capture for framing and focus as the fits capture not the native capture. In addition the only way to enlarge it is to view it isn the fits viewer. It seems like the image created from this screen is getting converted to fits.

Am I missing something about the focus screen? Should the focus screen be in native format?