Hello anybody. I'm new here in the indi-forum =)

I've the same issus with EKOS and my Baader Steel drive. In EKOS my max. position is 11980.. but my focuspoint is somewhere at 19000. Over the Baader preset in the indi options the Steel Drive can run to that position. But over EKOS in focuser menue I can only choose values between 0...11980.

I'm using a Baader focuser tube with 80 mm focus length.. with a gear ratio of 0.2291 I should come to 8000/0.2291 = 34.919 ticks?

I'm using KSTARS 3.0 for Windows users =) and with an remote RaspPi system

How can I fix that issus? BTW, happy new year :D



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    13. 01. 1982
  • About me
    Engineer, Amateur astronomer =)