Ludo replied to the topic 'Astroberry Server' in the forum. 6 years ago

I’m a new user of astroberry.
I have been ‘designed’ a box with big Li-Fe battery 12V and all-in-one connectors to provide energy to all devices (apn, raspberry Pi 3, motors). With a little telescope 150x750, this set-up is very light and simple to move.
Thanks for Astroberry !
But i have some troubles. I don’t find solution on this website :
1) when i connect 1 time on my personnal Network (wifi), the vpa did not start even if my personnal box is switch off. I do not find simple solution to ´suppress’ or forget this wifi connection and the vpa do not start. Have you got a solution or i have to modify several files (vap_conveniant (?), wlan_config...) ?
I want to connect on my wifi to be able to update software...
2) I find the way to change language and time format but if i modify the date and time, it restart at 2016/02/11 each time i reboot. Nether the graphical interface nor the command Sudo timedatectl... operate.
Have you got a solution ?
Thank you for Astroberry