Hi, If you have any success in writing an INDI-driver for the MTS-3SDI, I am very interested.
I have an old Vixen GPDX mount with this controller, and would love to control it using Stellarmate.



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

Log files.
The first: Only tracking
The second: Autoguiding


Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

OK, tonight we had some clear sky again, and I ran the following test scenarios:

1) ASI1600MM-Pro, EFW filterwheel connected
Imaging only
2) ASI1600MM-Pro, EFW filterwheel, Microtouch focuser connected
3) ASI1600MM-Pro, EFW filterwheel, Microtouch focuser, Skywatcher Az-Eq6 mount (EQDir) connected
4) ASI1600MM-Pro, EFW filterwheel, Microtouch focuser, Skywatcher Az-Eq6 mount (EQDir), ASI120MM Guidecam connected

The result seems to be that scenario 1 and 2 works nice. But when the mount is connected, the trouble starts.
For scenario 3 and 4 (when mount is tracking), I experience crash after just one to two images. I also saw one crash during plate solve.
So whether or not autoguiding does not seem to matter. Mount in operation seems to be a clue.



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

My general experience is that if I only take darks and flats with just the main camera in operation, I see no crashes.
It mainly occurs when running a real session with guiding.
I have not tried imaging without guiding, but I can try to carry out the steps you suggest next clear night. It may be a while though. Weather forecast is not good...
But meanwhile I can try out as much as I can inside.

BTW. Yesterday evening I had 5 consecutive crashes. They all occurred after the second or third image had been downloaded.
On the sixt attempt everything worked very well, and I could gaher about 5 hours of data.



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

If I want to try without the FitsViewer, is this the right way to disable it?
Any other boxes to tick/untick?


Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

Log files from yesterday


Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

No, Kstars Ekos runs on the PC. Images are transferred to the PC and loaded there. Not on the PI.



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

I run Kstars/Ekos on Window 10, Stellarmate runs the rest.
Camera ASI1600MM-Pro
Guidecam: ASI120MM
Mount: Skywatcher AZ-Eq 6 via EQdir
Focuser: Microtuch

Crashes happen as described earlier in the tread, while an image has been captured and is about to be loaded int Fitsviewer.
This may happen during preparations for shooting, i.e. taking preview shots in order to evaluate composition and exposure, or in a programmed sequence.
The only thing that is consistent is that it happens right after image download, and before the image is rendered on screen.
Once the crash happend during plate solve.
I will upload a couple of log files

After an image is loaded, I don't experience any crash while zooming or opening histogram (like others report).



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

At least I need to load image at startup, to see that the composition is right, and to check exposure, focus, etc.
Maybe I could live without viewing images after that, but very often the crash occur before I am ready to start a sequence.



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

I have tried 3.1.0 and last night I downloaded also 3.1.1. But the crash error is still there. The symptoms are the same. Crash while loading image into FITS viewer.
I loose at least 50% of clear sky time due to tthis.
This is really frustrating. I love the features of Ekos/Stellarmate and I very much appreciate the effort the development team puts into the system. But if this is not fixed, I must soon look for another system.



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

Any news about the Windows version crashing on image load in FITS viewer?
It's been cloudy for weeks now, so I haven't had opportunity to image before today.
I have now had 3 crashes during a couple of hours.

Regards, Odd


Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi Antonio,

FW not necessary for darks, but in this case it was already in place and mounted on the scope. But you can of course take darks (and bias) with just a camera with a cap.



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

After the release of 3.0.0 it has been cloudy where I live, so I have not been able to carry out real world tests.
I have however updated my darks library with several hours of exposures (only camera and filterwheel connected).
No issues seen so far.

I look forward to some clear nights for real imaging though, but weather forecast is still bad :-(



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

I was away over the weekend, but brought my ZWO camera, my laptop and a tracker. So only the camera was connected. I only used the capture window, but still had a couple of crashes. However, I didn't switch on logging.



Odd Høydalsvik replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago

Another crash.
This time I had the following logging for Ekos: INDI, Capture, Scheduler, Guide, Mount.
Same workflow as for the previos session.
Everything worked fine for quite a long time of narrowband imaging.
Then I defined a sequence for LRGB imaging, and re-focused.
Started the new jobs in the CCD tab. Immidiately after downloading the first image, Kstars crashed.



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    18. 01. 1956
  • About me
    Stellarmate, Borg ED101, Skywatcher AZ-EQ6, ZWO ASI1600MC Cool