Albert Codina replied to the topic 'ASI1600 and GPSStartline' in the forum. 9 months ago

I can confirm same issue. Gain and offset can't change from the ekos panel. On the indi panel, the parameters, GPSSTartLine have the default value 49152, but if i set the value from the dial then only can i set to max at 3519 and the camera don't work.
Celestron C8 edge HD and mount AVX. Cameras ASI 1600MC and 178MM.


Sorry, the sensors are BME280, MLX90614, TSL2591 and DHT22, and now are working correctly. I was testing the board ESP8266 and I changed the code of meteostation.ino, now after localize the wrong parameter all is fine.


Hello. I had working the Arduino MteoStation with all sensors, TSL2992, DHT22, MLX90614 and TSL2095 before the last updates. Now I receive RAW data correctly buth EKOS show Clouds(%), Temperatura(C) and Sky Temp(c) = 0. Anyone have the same behaviour?


Guillem is friends with Albert Codina

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