Thanks Kbahey,

I still have trouble connecting with Ekos/KStars, both with an Onstep Maxi and Mini PCB, it works only sporadically.
Using the App, the OnStep works fine.

The python script gives an error, and I don't see the problem.
Python3 and Python3-serial are both installed and the script has been made executable.
Please see attachment.

Best regards,



Do you want me to describe my operational (Windows) system or the new system I am building at home?

You can have a look at my pictures, including the remote observatory at:
You will have to scroll down a bit for the observatory.

My new Linux system at home consists of an old i7 with 8GB RAM, Linux Mint, KStars 2.9.8.
The mount is an old Gemini G41, with OnStep drive V1.16e. Telescope is a 200mm F/2.8 ASA.
The camera is an old SBIG ST10XME, the focus motor is on OnStep (Maxi), or I can use Moonlite or OnFocus.
The roof is a garage door opener operated roll off roof, I can open and close it via Pythonscripts, so I hope to be able to use that with INDI too.
I hope to get it working soon.

Best regards,


Thanks Blueshawk!
It looks like it is working now, I forgot to change my location in KStars.
For the moment I am very happy! I will use the log if I experience trouble...


Hello azwing,

Thanks for your prompt reply.
I tried again to set up logging, when suddenly it started working! I also attached the log file.
Now I can also start tracking from INDI control panel in KStars.

2018-11-27T19:18:55: [INFO] Mount is unparked.
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Site location updated to Lat 51:28:06 - Long 0:00:00
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Time updated, updating planetary data...
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Device configuration saved.
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Saving device configuration...
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Device configuration applied.
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Pulse guiding is enabled.
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Site location updated to Lat 0:00:00 - Long 0:00:00
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Loading device configuration...
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Site location updated to Lat 0:00:00 - Long 0:00:00
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Mount is unparked.
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] =============== Parkdata loaded
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] Mount is unparked.
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [WARNING] Could not process mount date and time: 20-1982-11-26T01:42:42
2018-11-27T19:18:54: [INFO] LX200 OnStep is online.
2018-11-27T19:18:49: [WARNING] Communication with /dev/ttyUSB0 @ 9600 failed. Starting Auto Search...
2018-11-27T19:18:49: [ERROR] Failed to connect to port (/dev/ttyUSB0). Error: Port failure Error: No such file or directory. Check if device is connected to this port.

At the moment I have a working remote observatory running on Win7 and ACP Scheduler, but I want to get rid of Windows.
I am very happy to find a very active and lively INDI community and I will try to contribute!
There are more amateur astronomers that I know, who all want to switch to Linux!

Thanks for all your work for the OnStep INDI driver!

Best regards,


Hi all!

I just built a OnStep Maxi driver but have some problems connecting it to INDI under Linux (Mint 19).
Under Windows with ASCOM driver and MaxIm DL I can connect and start tracking etc.
In Ekos I see this in the log window:

2018-11-27T17:43:23: [ERROR] Error setting site longitude coordinates
2018-11-27T17:43:18: [ERROR] Error setting UTC Offset.
2018-11-27T17:43:13: [INFO] Device configuration saved.
2018-11-27T17:43:13: [INFO] Saving device configuration...
2018-11-27T17:43:13: [INFO] Device configuration applied.
2018-11-27T17:43:13: [INFO] Pulse guiding is enabled.
2018-11-27T17:43:13: [ERROR] Error setting site longitude coordinates
2018-11-27T17:43:08: [INFO] Loading device configuration...
2018-11-27T17:43:03: [ERROR] Error setting site longitude coordinates
2018-11-27T17:42:58: [INFO] Mount is unparked.
2018-11-27T17:42:58: [ERROR] Unable to parse response.
2018-11-27T17:42:55: [ERROR] Unable to parse response.
2018-11-27T17:42:52: [INFO] =============== Parkdata loaded
2018-11-27T17:42:52: [INFO] Mount is unparked.
2018-11-27T17:42:29: [WARNING] Could not process mount date and time: 0T00:00:00
2018-11-27T17:42:19: [WARNING] Failed to get site latitude from device.
2018-11-27T17:42:13: [ERROR] Failed to get site name from device
2018-11-27T17:42:08: [ERROR] Failed to retrieve time format from device.
2018-11-27T17:41:31: [INFO] LX200 OnStep is online.

I am still waiting for a Wemos module to be able to connect from my Smartphone.
But I guess it should work with the USB port as well.
It seems the connection works, but I cannot set the time location or start tracking etc.
Any insights?


best regards,


Albert van Duin replied to the topic 'OnFocus (Solved)' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi Paul,

I finally tested my OnFocus hardware on Ekos today and it seems to work, thanks!
When I updated my Linux computer this morning, a lot of new and updated INDI drivers were installed, including OnStep.
Thanks again!



Albert van Duin replied to the topic 'OnFocus and SkySafari' in the forum. 6 years ago

Just got Ekos working with my venerable SBIG ST10 and Hansastro focus motor (on the Nano that wouldn't work under Windows).
I was able to take images, use the filter wheel and move the focus motor!

It was easier than I expected, still a lot of settings to get used to!

Next test will be Pauls INDI driver for OnFocus!


Albert van Duin replied to the topic 'OnFocus and SkySafari' in the forum. 6 years ago

PDB wrote:

technoplusnl wrote: The Nano USB port will do a reset when you open the serial line (to get it in clear state); To start communication it need a ~2 second delay. The Moonlite software under Windows does not wait for that and communication fails ... You can avoid this by soldering a capacitor somewhere between 2 pins but then you need a switch to disable it or you can't download new firmware. It is well described in the MyFocuser project. (Not the MyFocuser2, that is not Moonlite compatible)
(Excellent focuser software and design)


Hi Paul,

Unfortunately this trick does not work for my Nano. See also:
Tried both pull up rersistor and a capacitor on the reset pin.

I hope to be able to set up a few devices on Ekos this weekend.



Albert van Duin replied to the topic 'OnFocus and SkySafari' in the forum. 6 years ago

No, I don't use "set half travel position" My focus point is around position 3000.
I just focused roughly by hand, the focus position counter was around 3000 then, after that I used autofocus. (FocusMax4 under Windows).
That starts from focus and then moves the focuser outward and inward and measures the diameter of the out of focus star image.
Only very little movement is needed.

And I don't use Backlash as well, I use a 200 step motor directly on the fine focus knob of my Crayford style focuser, assuming there would be no backlash that way, and that has always worked for me.
But you would just add the backlash steps to the number of steps when changing direction I guess.



Albert van Duin replied to the topic 'OnFocus and SkySafari' in the forum. 6 years ago

PDB wrote:

knro wrote: There is no driver for the focuser, so a new driver needs to be developed for it. The protocol is pretty straight forward, but there are two types (DC + Stepper) so it might take a while and I'm currently very busy.

I created a driver for the OnFocus stepper version. Still need to do some testing. Can onlt test against an Arduino with the firmware loaded, but no motors attached, but seems to be communicating ok with the firmware. Probably ready by next monday (or earlier is things proceed as expected)

Need to set up this complicated GIT stuff (and re-create an acount) to get it in the Indi version? (Other solution welcome as well)



That's great Paul, thanks!
I will try to test it as soon as you put it on GitHub.
The OnFocus controller has proven its use under Windows in my remote observatory, so I prefer to use that.



Albert van Duin replied to the topic 'OnFocus and SkySafari' in the forum. 6 years ago

wbirk wrote: hi!
as said before, i did not encounter that problem with Linux...

My remote observatory is working with Windows7 and ACP now. For the future I don't want to rely on Windows10, so I'm planning to test Linux in my home observatory. Which Linux flavour is best for use with Ekos? So far I only have some experience with Mint 19.



Albert van Duin replied to the topic 'OnFocus and SkySafari' in the forum. 6 years ago

PDB wrote:

technoplusnl wrote: The Nano USB port will do a reset when you open the serial line (to get it in clear state);


Thanks Paul,

So it is a known problem, I will look into that!
Or I can use a Mini-Pro and use a USB converter.

But probably it will work with Ekos.



Albert van Duin replied to the topic 'OnFocus and SkySafari' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thanks Wolfi,

The display and sensor work, the sensor is on A3 now, this had been changed in the Arduino sketch by Hansastro.
I will have to test on Ekos, so far I am a Windows user, but I want to escape!
But I need to connect a camera first, or Ekos will not start.



Albert van Duin replied to the topic 'OnFocus and SkySafari' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi Wolfi,

I just built the Hansastro focuser, I can connect to a version with Arduino Uno, not to a Nano. The display and motor work on both.
But I can connect to the Uno under Windows with the Moonlite Single Channel Controller, not to the Nano.
Could that be due to the USB chip of the Nano? But you have it working I understand?

I wil test under Linux with Ekos, hope that will work.



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