Dear wvreeven (Wouter?),

you nailed it...
I wasn't too euphoric about your suggestion, since I can't remember having changed anything in the slewing-speed section of the settings in the past.
And when I was experimenting to narrow down the problem I changed it from 4x (the "original" setting) to 64x and didn't see any difference, even the slightest movement couldn't be noticed - thus I wasn't hoping for much...

But 800x brought back the movement in my mount...!

Thanks and take care



Dear Star-friends,

just a few annotations...

The SkyGuider Pro is just motorized in RA - so you should set the guiding to RA-only.
In the guiding-options you have to chose the guiding-camera also as the guiding target (I think the point is called "via"), deactivate guiding in DE (see above) and connect the SkyGuider's ST4-port with your guiding camera and you're set. Since the mount isn't connected to the computer directly, there's no point in choosing a telescope, thus choosing the telescope simulator is correct-

You should get the polar alignment on point, otherwise the drift in DEC will limit your exposure-times drastically...

Take care



Dear Star-Friends,

I've problem with my mount (EQ-6R) under Ekos...
The mount is one of the first editions wwithout an USB-connector - it's connected to a Raspi (tested with RPi3/StellarmateOS and RPi/Astroberry - latest versions) via EQDirect-cable.

My problem is, that the mount isn't moving.
I've tested this setup with Win10/Ascom-Toolbox and I can steer the mount without problem - it's responding flawlessly.
With INDI/Ekos the slewing command is recorded but nothing happens - ok, not NOTHING ... If I'm directly next to the mount I can hear a slight change in the electronic sound of the mount when the slewing command is given, but there's no movement at all.

Technical problems can be neglected - if I put the EQDirect-cable from the RPi to my Win-laptop and connet it to the Ascom-system it is directly responding.

I've attached the logfile to this post - perhaps you're able to find the source of my problems.

Stay healthy and take care...



Dear star-friends,

does anybody (e.g. Jasem :) know if there‘s a difference between the StellarmateOS versions in comparison to an up to date version of any iteration...?

O.k. This sounds more complicated than it is :)

If I have StellarMateOS say 1.0 and keep it up-to-date with the software update function is this the same as SMOS 1.31 that is up-to-Date or are there differences ?

And how can I get the newest version??

Cheers Chris


Christian Deppe replied to the topic 'EQMod alignment' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi Okhoydal (why does no one in this forum sign a post with their real name???)

please have a look at the following thread:

Thread EQ6-R parking problem

From my own experience and the information posted within the tread mentioned above I suppose that you didn't define your parking position in INDI.
To do this go in the EQMod preferences in the INDI-settings and look for the site management tab.
Get your mount in the "standard parking position" (weights down, telescope ponting towards the celestial pole) and hit default and write data.

After this I hope your accuracy will increase.

Hope to hear from you...

Cheers & CS Chris


Christian Deppe replied to the topic 'StellarMate wont connect' in the forum. 6 years ago


That absolutely makes sense :)

Cheers & CS


Christian Deppe replied to the topic 'Focuser' in the forum. 6 years ago

etamburini wrote: Thank you all.
I already have a focuser that works with ascom and transmits the motion to the c9 through a special bracket and strap.
Unfortunately, it is a review of the robofocus that only works in ascom but I need to switch to ekos to be able to command the Nikon d3400 and be able to schedule a few sessions without the expensive MaximDL.

Just out of curiosity...
Did you try any of the drivers provided in the INDI-package.???

Even if it‘s a clone it probably is based on a well know platform.

Cheers & CS



Christian Deppe replied to the topic 'StellarMate wont connect' in the forum. 6 years ago

AstroNerd wrote: No, that’s how to shut down.. :)

ehhhhmmm... I don't get your point Astronerd.
Shutting down the OS before disconnecting the power prevents corrupted file systems and thus boot problems. Please correct me when I'm wrong.

Cheers & CS Chris


Christian Deppe replied to the topic 'StellarMate wont connect' in the forum. 6 years ago

That‘s exactly what to do...
Shutting down and cutting the power after the system is halted (give it a few seconds).

Cheers. Chris


Christian Deppe replied to the topic 'StellarMate wont connect' in the forum. 6 years ago

Debian is very nitpicky about cutting the power without shutting down the OS.
As in my case the file system tends to get corrupted quite easily.

So always(!) make sure the OS is shut down correctly before powering down your RPi.

Cheers and CS



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